

So, was I the only who saw "$800 for a month in Southeast Asia" and perked up IMMEDIATELY? How is this magic done?!

Years ago, I just replaced the liquid in a couple of water bottles with vodka. Do they check for that now?

I think he means Toilet Paper dude. Like what I do in a public restroom.

That is disgusting. Just use paper and throw it after using it.

Please file this with all the suggestions to use binder clips anyplace near water—that is to say, this is not a Lifehack. Instead, this is disgusting. If you're down with germs, totally ok with the accumulation of spray from each flush (and if your "yellow be mellow" more germ buildup bang for your buck with that!)

So this only works in public restrooms with split seats?

::sigh:: I never got the LAST "new" Facebook design! The one with all the round icons and stuff that we talked about like, wow, a year ago now?

Yeah but he/she's got a point. I want to see posts from the people I'm friends with and the pages I select. It's annoying that they try to curate that experience for me. And what happened to the part where you could select "see all posts" or "see most posts" or "only important"? That was perfect. They're always fixing

Oh I just THOUGHT that I was finished... For those that will say, "Well I have 1500 FB friends and I would be spending all day checking my posts if I had to go through all of them." CLEAN OUT YOUR FRIENDS LIST!!! You can't possibly give a rat's ass about that many cyber people and NOT expect to spend your life

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." — George Bernard Shaw

'Salt' has just destroyed my shoes this year; it looks like they have been burned in spots where salt has eaten through them. I feel bad for the cats and dogs who have to walk on it barefoot.

So two 10 mph over the limit=6 points=just under the 7 points for 27% increase. DUI= 19%. The fuck? A couple 10 mph over tickets vs a DUI? Which one causes more accidents...

I think the main reason time feels like it moves more quickly is relativity. When someone is 10 years old, a year is 10% of their entire life (and probably closer to 20% of what they can actually remember). When you're 50, 1 year accounts for 2% of your life. That's the reason that summer nights feel endless when

You could just book way early on Southwest. Then if the price drops you can "change" to the same flight at the lower price, and while you don't get cash back, you get a credit toward future flights on Southwest, which I believe can be used by others besides yourself.

On a related note, has anyone noticed how much harder Google makes it to turn off your search history these days? Your search history used to be easily accessible from settings, but today I was only able to find it by... well, googling it.

Yeah, that's why you should also upsize everything, buy in bulk, and encourage obesity.

I find F.lux to be amazing, it has made a massive difference to the number of headaches I get. I cannot recommend it enough. I've never tried the glasses because I can't afford them, I have very poor eyesight and hence a very expensive prescription.

It doesn't help because your comment is also a steaming pile of shit. Just because it is, go stick your melatonin pills up your ass.