
Do they have to have black frames AND styled the way they are? I really don't like the whole "I'm a tech / coffee shop / Apple / hip guy" look. Way too common...

Gives me that warm secure feeling inside in the same way that phrases like "Patriot Act", "TSA", and "Collect It All" give me.

Don't forget that a healthy diet rich in unprocessed foods is also good for the skin complexion.

Haha, that's hilarious! Perhaps a dimmer switch would be a nice touch. I would consider the light switch idea if my car didn't automatically turn the lights on after dark. I wasn't used to this "feature" at first and didn't like it initially, but I've gotten used to it.

GIFs that loop are really, really obnoxious.

Ok....? And the Huffington Post article looks like it's geared toward the TMZ demographic.

And unlike G-plus, i'm pretty sure FB doesn't allow you to do polls anymore.. and format text in your posts.. and easter eggs.. Though I do concede the descriptions of the easter eggs makes them sound rather weak and useless.

I like how you're so cocksure about all banks counting your coins, and for free. Tell that to my local Wells Fargo.

I got a double-edge razor a couple years ago, which I mostly use for cutting through excessive facial hair growth before switching to a cartridge razor for the final shave. If I shave with only my double-edge razor, I am left with bits of stubble in various places all over my face and neck. This is especially true

I prefer using Occam's Razor

Not my job title. I've never worked at Subway. It's nice to see they have a sense of humor, though.

Shit happens sometimes, dude. Should have just politely asked for a new piece of bread instead of feeling irrational rage.

It's intended to be a humorous title. I'm guessing you're not a fan of such humor? Serious business only?

If you think a few upvotes on your comment validates your arrogance, you're mistaken. Unfortunately, not all of us have attained the upper echelons of society as you clearly have.

Yeah, I'll do that, next time I'm on my half hour lunch break and the closest deli is a solid 45 minute drive away.

"It depends on how intelligent they are" - rather rude to suggest that not knowing what the "secret menu" is is an indicator of a lack of intelligence.


Empathy is sorely on the decline. People are so self-centered and opportunists anymore...

Yeah I noticed that recently. It's unfortunate, but the playlist was rather repetitive. With all the free dark ambient music out there, it should be no problem to create a playlist that is several days long.

For some reason, Facebook really doesn't want you deleting posts from your timeline in one fell swoop. After much research, I had to use a firefox extension for recording and repeating macros.