
9PM? Are you one of those "If you're not up before the sun comes out, you have problems" kind of people?

Jesus.. that last one has an extreme case of horror vacui. Obnoxious as well...

That, in no way, has anything to do with what I said.

Well that's fine, you can tip as you please, but baiting for a tip on a credit card receipt in a place with no wait staff is bullshit to me. Does everyone expect a tip these days? Are we going toward a culture where people feel entitled to receive a tip for jobs that are historically not tipped?

Not arguing against people testing the colors. It would be ignorant not to unless you tell yourself you will live with the results and not complain. At the big box I work at, we sell 8 ounce testers in flat and eggshell. But one thing I include in my statement about not returning paint are quarts (or gallons) used to

True, but I consider the delivery driver a member of the wait staff to a degree. He/she is driving your food to your house so you don't have to go pick it up yourself. Sometimes they are also the person you talk to when you order pizza. I used to do pizza delivery at 2 different places. And that delivery charge - it

What I absolutely hate is when I order food from a place where there are no wait staff and the credit card receipt prints out with a line for a tip. Once, I got a less-than-happy look from the cashier when she saw that I had crossed through the blank spot to write in a tip. Sorry dear, I used to work at a pizza place

Paint returns are a huge markdown and most stores won't accept them. The labels with the color/order info that we put on top of the cans at the big box I work at state "NOT RETURNABLE". Of course, some customers are whiny assholes and eventually get their way after much complaining when it comes to having the return

"you should ALWAYS be asked to try eggshell first" - That's 2 steps down from semi-gloss. It's not the employees job to double-check your decision on sheen, as the decision is the responsibility of the customer. Personally, I'll ask customers who are leaning toward semi-gloss but seem unsure if that's the sheen they

For someone who claims to have worked with paint for 6 years, your comment about semi-gloss surprises me. There are perfectly valid reasons for "civilians" wanting to purchase semi-gloss paint. It's one of the top-selling sheens at the big box store I work at (I work in the paint department of said store). So I guess

Unless it's a bathroom, I just don't think paints with significant sheen should go on ceilings. Ceiling paint is marketed as a flat paint. But again, it's personal preference.

Some employees are definitely misinformed or under-informed, I can see that. Some of us have been doing it for a long time and know better. Also, some box stores, particularly the one I work at (orange color scheme), really stretches their work force thin by pushing them into departments they know little to nothing

They don't even read the coupon, they just scan it.

Sheen is ultimately a matter of personal preference, but here are my tips:
Flat - Best for hiding imperfections in the wall, such as nail pops, drywall joints, etc. Makes the wall look nice and uniform. No reflection of light, which can be a very good thing, especially if you're going for a more comfortable kind of

I work at a big box hardware store, and they most definitely train us to ask about sheen. We don't just take the color you want and decide for ourselves what kind of paint you want.

Trader Joe's unsweetened vanilla almond milk is the best, in my opinion, followed by the Whole Foods equivalent.

I, too, put my full faith in the US government, as they always know what's best for me and are never swayed by big corporate interests including massive dairy farms and feedlots. Bring on the nanny state, I say.

Got a link?

Wait, you're saying an Apple product isn't perfect right out of the box and changes are actually desired? Blashphemous....


Slowly cutting down on caffeinated coffee is entirely possible. Try going with a 90/10 mixture of caffeinated coffee to decaffeinated. Week 2, 80/20, Week 3, 70/30, and so on.