
I’m gonna have to hard disagree about your first point. The second game in the series was a Nintendo exclusive, and that alone puts it on equal footing with a score of the other guest characters. Metal Gear Solid, Tekken, or King of Fighters are hardly staples of Nintendo.

I feel like anyone holding out hope for Sora in Smash at this point is deluding themselves.  That dream died the second Sephiroth joined the game.  No way is Square going to get *another* DLC slot.

My bad.  But, I mean, the game is over a year old.  Still.. point taken.

The ‘normal’ ending (and the ‘original true ending’) implied that they were more in the deluded stalker category based on the way the boys reacted.  The updated true ending is a bit nicer.

There were two endings in the original version, but they were largely identical except for the line voicing the name of the boss just fought. If you google ‘true ending’ and look for videos from 2019, you’ll see what I mean.

Sometime last year the updated the ‘true ending’ to be a bit less depressing.

Actually, the original secret ending was unchanged from the ‘normal’ ending aside from the boss name being referenced, and that’s what I got when I played it in 2019. They patched it sometime after to get rid of the creepy stalker lines and added in the grabbing food line sometime later (presumably 2020). I checked on

But will the sequel address the reveal that the girls aren’t dating the boys at all, and are just obsessed stalkers?

To be fair, it wasn’t as immediately obvious as the Trump Defense Fund. Back when it was announced, in 1962, a game from Chris Roberts — father of Wing Commander — in the long dead space fighter genre... that was big news!

I love that the responses to me are basically 50/50 on either side of this argument. I still think this is a fool’s endeavor — if they couldn’t make a streaming service work out of DC comics I don’t think *Warhammer* has a chance.

But hey, what do I know?

I feel like I am either vastly underestimating the size of the Warhammer fanbase, or they are grossly overestimating it.  There’s no middle ground here, one of us is severely wrong here.

Classy. I make a joke about your values, which are clearly on display in your post. In response, you insult my intelligence.

Hey bud, I think you missed the Mayflower leaving port.  

Maybe this is a difference of viewpoint, but I’m not sure what’s more titillating about a twitch stream of a girl in a bikini than say beach movie. I haven’t watched a lot of hot tub streams, but when I have curiously clicked on them, they’re usually standing in a pool with floaties, not doing anything inherently

I think you’re bringing some of your own baggage to the table here. No one is pretending they are stupid... no one is even bending the rules. Swimsuits are literally posted as allowed in their rules.

I think you’re focusing a little too much on the hot tub streamers, ironically.

This situation has proved that Twitch can and will change the rules whenever they see fit, without warning, notice, or negotiation. Today it’s hot tubs, tomorrow it’s whatever the advertisers rail against next. This all played out on Youtube the same way — started with the more risque content and then you had people

See, I find this take disingenous. Is acting sex work if they have a hot tub scene?

But see, here is where I argue you’re falling into their moral panic trap.

If Twitch wants to ban people in lace bras in kiddie pools, that’s fine. They should do that. But they didn’t say that, they just acted judiciously in this case, with no warning or policy to back them up. In a few days they’ll issue a statement

I’m not going to pretend to be an expert on Twitch, but right now it still seems like a place where independent creators could turn up, and if they have a neat idea, take, or gimmick, they could make a living. In a way similar to how Youtube was ten years ago.

The barrier of entry has certainly gotten higher, but it’s

Regardless of ones thoughts on twitch and its ‘thots’, this is a chilling move that is another step into turning twitch into a soulless, rotting abomination that is a shadow of its former self like Youtube today.