
Wing Commander should be the Star Wars of video games.  It’s an IP with squandered potential. 

Yeah, looking back, I don’t think it’d even count as an entertaining flash game today.  But I had lots of fun with it as a kid.

If they pull this off it’s going to be one for the history books.

This whole show was crafted around the Kate Kane character. The supporting characters are: Her cousin’s assistant, her Dad, her ex girlfriend, her step sister.

The antagonists are: Her sister, and her cousins’ doppleganger.

I don’t see how you slot a

This article reminded me of T&C Surf Designs Wood & Water Rage.

I, as a stubborn child, kept playing that game hoping to get to an ending.  Whether due to a lack of skill, or a lack of an ending, I never found one.

This is a brand new product of the most narcissistic generation ever.

That’s how I feel about WoW. I keep up with story developments from time to time, but otherwise it’s a fond memory of the past.

I really enjoy FFXIV these days, though.  

> I don’t get how a so called “month” old beta can still look like the launch game.

Generally speaking, Public Betas are very close to to the finished product. I imagine they’ve ironed some of the weirder glitches out since then, but the public beta always was going to be how they envisioned the game looking on

The biggest problem with Dragon Age 2 was that it was #2 instead of, like “Dragon Age: Kirkwall City Nights” or something like a side game like a Kingdom Hearts game or something.

If they had just spent a little bit more time making the maps less recycled, and not billed it as a direct sequel to the sprawling Origins,

By the by, playing Dragon Age the series in the year of 2020 is a pain in the ass if you play to build your world through all three games. Because Dragon Age Keep does not import your choices in your save file at this point. (I’m not crazy, it used to do that, right?)

That means having to pour over the Keep and going

I didn’t know a Kotaku writer could violate the Geneva convention in a video game, but here we are.

I’m not an expert by any means, but I follow some FGC folks on twitter and I saw a couple of comments & tier lists that Ryu is pretty garbage in SFV for competitive play.

When I read the headline I was thinking “he’s forced to main Ryu in the first game of every match of the next tourney...”

Not only did she do it, but she did it on Proud mode, the highest difficulty.

The only thing that would be harder would be if she did it with like a Level 1 character playthrough.

She’s an absolute gem on Twitch, so I’m happy to see the news of this achievement blowing up.  That fight is no joke.  

I gotta say man, that sounds like sour grapes.  Tons of characters are being reimagined and the idea of Jim Cummings Darkwing being an Adam West type that inspires an actual Darkwing is freaking genius.  You may hate it, and you’re entitled, but I will cancel out your collective hate by stating how much I love their

Did they just... roadmap their roadmap?

Man, I want to like this game but each successive character design makes it harder and harder.

“Let’s make them look less like comic book characters than even the movies did” said no one ever.

It’s like they’re making a game populated entirely by the movie franchise’s stunt doubles.  

Every time I see an article about Starfox 2 or Starfox 64, I’m reminded just how weird it was that we got Starfox Adventures, about Starfox in a Zelda game.

Oh man, you just opened up a pandora’s box.  This comment is going to monkey paw this into being an election angle, just watch.

This was a fantastic interview, Matt.  Thank you so much for sharing it.  

I stumbled across this thing last year (I am an old) and started (very loosely) looking into it and keeping tabs on it, and from what I can tell it’s not *too* different than streamers who frequently partner up or share an officespace. They all have their own streams, and they live in a house. That means they collab