
The movies with Trunks in them are all *amazing*. There’s little bits of continuity, and the jokes are well timed, and they were firing on all cylinders.  The little callbacks “Can we please not tell my dad there were more androids?” were great.  I still go back and rewatch the last few movies occasionally.

Correction: This story wasn’t tagged as Kotakucore. If a raccoon storming a Kotaku writer’s back porch for a piece of bacon isn’t the core Kotaku experience, I don’t know what is.

Seriously though, I’ve enjoyed your adventures with the raccoon on twitter and was waiting for the latest updates. If it moves back in, are

Roy’s arm made Oliver a hero.

People have mentioned the video recaps that are included in the game (they’re short!) but since the main characters are catching up to so much of the plot from the games between 2 & 3, it’s not hard to catch up.

Luke, what did we do you to make you bring this into our lives?

I love how you’re equating women with ‘some group’ instead of, you know, HALF the population.

You can, it’s called Uncharted.

There’s free content coming and paid DLC coming.  It’s better than buying the game over again for a ‘Final Mix’ like we did for KH1 & KH2.

It’s not really optimistic to report the current machinations behind the scenes.  All he’s saying is that Bioware & EA are fully working on rebuilding Anthem in some form.  He’s not giving advice based on that news, he’s just reporting the news.

To his credit, I didn’t expect him to own up to it live before Blizzcon started. That was a bold move to address it head on rather than just quietly let it wash over the event.

That said, he didn’t announce any changes to how they were handling the matter. He just apologized, and said they didn’t live up to their

After all, it was nearly 20 years ago that he Hoovered up an entire building full of poltergeists in the original Luigi’s Mansion

Oh shit, you’re telling me a video game website doesn’t report random murders, deaths, and accidents, and only mentions them when they’re notably tied to video games?

This has blown my mind.

You have to introduce characters first for them to become established.

Rose and Slicer-dude were perfectly reasonable additions to the story, even if you dislike the way that story was done.

Well, as of my writing this he has 22 stars and 21 replies, so I’m not sure that qualifies as ‘ratio’d.

I will concede your overall point though, it’s a bit of a mischaracterization to try to extend that statement to the whole of the readership.  It’d be more accurate to say there are far too many commenters with

“Sorry Hong Kong, we can’t be bothered to even pretend to care about your plight, it might hurt people’s vacations.”

Man, the tunnel vision on this site is ridiculous.

Have you checked out the Save the World subreddit? I quit over a year ago but I was curious if the Black hole and two day outage meant any improvement for my old STW compatriots.


I’d be mad, but like I said I quit too long ago to care.  Now I just pity the poor fools who still hope.

“Now remember, when the enemy comes for us don’t fire back.. Those soldiers are just trying to feed their family, we don’t want to hurt any of them.”

The ‘logical’ thing isn’t always the ‘right’ thing.  In this case, they most definitely did not do the right thing.  They maybe did the easy thing.  Or the thing that will preserve their profits.  But they were no where *near* ‘right’ thing.

I’m not asking them to ‘apply pressure’ to the Chinese government. Do you think I believe that Blizzard is going to deploy forces to Hong Kong to help liberate them? All I want from American companies is to not be explicitly complicit. That’s *literally* all I want. And that’s where Blizzard failed in this instance.


I love this headline.