
Buddy, whenever you couch your argument with “I agree, but in this case she’s doing it for the attention” you should just stop, delete your comment, and walk away from the discussion. Because you have nothing to contribute.

The Bearophage Contagion.

What’s better is that OP replied with chagrin, implying he *was* talking about the Corpse Run comic.

We are not in the era that is appropriate for false equivalences.

There’s realistically only so much you can do these days to get a job. You can’t spend 24/7 stressing about it, and it’s not healthy.  I remember when I was laid off I would look to work and then distract myself by playing the first Mass Effect (yeah this was awhile back).  It really helped to have something immersive

This article makes me angry.

....that I didn’t think of this joke first.

It doesn’t take much these days to get Anthem’s remaining players excited.

Eh, I like it.  I was just thinking I’d add it to my personal bookmarks based on it being listed here.

I look forward to this series of articles, where you guys write blog posts with increasingly sarcastic headlines directed at each other

Yeah, I’ve enjoyed FFXIV while I played it, but this expansion has been master-class in story. Not only did it have good villains, a terrific setting, a beautiful score, but it finally made your ‘team’ of good guys feel like a fleshed out characters.

Oh, the new Gunbreaker job class has led to a lot of people dressing up as Squall from Final Fantasy VIII, standing around and trying to look cool with their fancy gunblades. That’s bad, right?

Gonna have to disagree with the doc on #2.  If you’re actually friends with his wife, like you actually care about her as a person and respect her as a human being, you’re obligated to tell her.  That’s just not something you keep from a friend.  It might be ugly, and it might blow up in your face, but I wouldn’t be

That’s interesting!  I wonder how successful that will be at generating revenue?  Part of what makes Mobas and Battle Royale’s so successful is that they’re popular and fairly easy to monetize well.  If Auto Battlers are harder to monetize, I wonder if they’ll continue to see as much publisher support.  

One thing I’m not sure of after reading your article (which is fabulous, by the way, thanks for laying all this out) — how are they making money on this?

Are the games free to play?  Are they doing microtransactions?  I’m just curious where the money from this is coming in... doesn’t seem like you could sell skins

You could probably wave it away as Luke & Leia being powerful enough to summon Han back temporarily, but I really doubt they’ll do it.

More likely Harrison will make a cameo as a nightmare vision for Ben.

I don’t know, I think the best parts of VII & VIII involved the original trilogy in supporting roles.

I think their plan of closing the characters arcs was, on paper, a good idea.  But they had a bad draw with Carrie Fisher unexpectedly passing.

I don’t really have a problem with how the ‘legacies’ have been portrayed

I feel like Dragonball needs to go the way the Sword Art games have.

This is actually a tough nut to crack. Titans is a *bad* show with nuggets of goodness that make you hope they polish it up into a better show with time.


I was thinking that between UA3 & the Squeenix Avengers, that explains why they pulled the plug on Marvel Heroes. Marvel Heroes did everything both games plan to do, and while I’m not saying they did it better or worse, it’s pretty clear that Marvel saw $$$ available and decided to go this route and kibosh Marvel

Honestly, there’s three reasons why he wouldn’t answer now:

1.) Marketing Plan - They plan to announce Zelda playable at a certain point in the development as part of their marketing push. Like in 2020 E3 they show off a bunch of Zelda gameplay as their big reveal.