
No, the real jerk move is pretending that he had a innocent reason to make a transphobic remark, and if we’d all just love instead of hate we’d be enlightened by his reasoning for making such a comment.

Occam’s razor here: It sounds like a transphobic remark, there’s no simple explanation that would make it *not*

I know only one person on that wall, and it’s MatPat from Game Theory, and he’s pretty open with critiques on how Youtube works.  I don’t watch all of his videos (or most), but I do keep an eye out for when he does into a deep dive on the Youtube topic of the day.

Ugh, again?

It feels like everyone is ready to kill off the console, until they actually try, and then they realize it’s really freaking hard to deliver the same experience on the same budget.

It’s been awhile, but I’ve changed states multiple times, and each time I seem to recall having to take the written test again. (Idaho’s Open Range law tripped me up, since I didn’t have to deal with that in California or Hawaii, where I studied for the tests.)

Didn’t have to take the practical again, though. 

Oh my god, I can play Star Tropics on my switch!?!

I know what I’m doing next board game night when someone picks a slow game.

Seriously, how is it 2019 and we don’t have at least a terrible attempt at remaking this game?  It’s gold!

I picked it up again this weekend because of all the news coverage. I don’t think I got past my first winter when a Dwarven Were-Zebra invaded my fort. I goofed my entrance, so I was doomed from the start, but I valiantly tried to create a last minute militia to deal with the threat.

Yeah, the opening to this film is going to be a bummer. From that shot of Scott staring at missing posters I feel like we’re going to have him get out of the Quantum Realm fairly quick and he’ll be the viewpoint for what the world looks like on the ‘every man’ level post snap.

I don’t know if I’m ready to see Scott

See, this is the problem. Everyone is looking at the collections of KH1 Final Mix, Kh2 Final Mix, etc, and seeing “See, those had tons of endgame content” when most of that content was added in Final mix. The original games barely had any.

Now, I agree that the lack of a Sephiroth fight and a battle arena are sore

Those salaries seem... ridiculously low.  $14,000 equivalent USD for the starting salary for a relatively skilled field?  Major oof.

Like, send an urgent memo to Nintendo. “Please, Kotaku has just ONE question for Reggie before he retires! It’s SUPER IMPORTANT” and just play it up. Finally, you get him on the phone.

Reggie: *wearily* “All right, Stephen, let’s get this over with...”
Stephen: *silent for like 30 seconds* “Mo--
Reggie: *click*

I dunno, man. I considered this a cute little series that I might check out one day, but then Crunchyroll posted the aforementioned sibling-loss clip to Facebook and it damn near broke me.  I’m pretty wary of this show now.

That video was like a monkey’s paw, because I saw that trailer in the Toy Story world and immediately went “Man, I’d play this game.”

Then we got that ending (no spoilers), and I hoped the secret ending would help ease my pain. Instead I got... Yozora.  Should’ve been more careful throwing wishes out into the universe.

Pfft, slacker.  I took off Wed-Fri last week so I could beat the game without getting spoiled.

Wait?  They axed parkour too?  Why even tie it into the Titanfall universe at that point?

I agree with you in spirit, I would posit a slight correction. Goku cares that no harm comes to people, especially his loved ones. It’s been shown over and over again that he’s concerned for the well being of others, in the general sense. He’s just... really... REALLY bad at gauging when a situation is going to spill

There’s a line I never thought I’d read in a Kotaku article.

Whoa... let’s not talk crazy here.

I don’t think it’s as cut and dry as that. I have a 10 year old car. Insurance would probably pay out, what, $3000 for it if I’m lucky? Unless I’m *really* lucky, I don’t think $3,000 is going to get me a used car of the same quality as the car I’ve taken care of for the past 10 years.

So then I’m looking at buying a

That’s great. I’m glad that we appointed you to the diet police to judge everyone else’s life. I don’t know what we would do without you.

On the plus side, at least we know the epilogue and secret movie won’t leak early!

This might be elistist of me, but I’ve never understood the hand wringing about console patches requiring Internet. To paraphrase John Oliver, “It’s 2019!” Everyone should expect to have to have Internet to play digitial media.