
I came in expecting to roll my eyes at the celebrity relationship, was surprised it was a decent request for advice!

(Totally thought it was going to be Dr. Nerdlove smacking some sense into “Megan Fox is my Waifu” letter.)

I don’t disagree with you, Jason, but I think the loot boxes for cosmetics allow the developer to throw some crazy ideas out there that otherwise might not see the light of days. Characters that are less popular, or crazier ideas for sprays/mounts/whateversinthedamnbox might have to require more justification if their

Gonna leave the Dan Jurgens comment alone if only because I’m not a big enough Superman buff to address it (Booster Gold’s series was the shit, though.), but I completely agree with you about Bendis. He is a completely over-rated writer and I see nothing promising about the ‘fresh new spin’ he’s bringing over to

What I want to know is how this compares to those starship bridge simulators like Artemis?

Somewhere, Chris Roberts is handing someone his beer.

If you had to elevate any NES-era character to the same level of status as Mario, Link & Samus (as far as breadth of games, popularity, etc), which character would you pick? And why is it Kuros, from Wizards & Warriors?

Question for Jason: You’ve made quite the name for yourself for your in depth looks at the way games are made. Is there a game that you would like to find out the details of ‘what the hell happened there’ that you haven’t been able to yet? Any reason why it’s been so difficult to crack?

Stephen, thanks for letting us know. Mike is a unique voice, and beloved by many. Hoping his recovery goes well, and soon he’s regaling us with his unique perspective once more.

Oh god, that Spirit Bomb is hilarious. Way to go, DBFZ community.

God damnit, Ninja.

That’s the secret, when gamer boys say they want a girl interested in games, what they really mean is they want a girl who finds their obessive habits sexy. They don’t want to actually share their girl with a game, or share gametime with her, they want to be sexually desired without making any effort or changes in

The shift is now that Sony’s in the lead their attitudes have changed.

There’s some schadenfraude in the idea that gamers will organize before game developers do. The hullabaloo about the Voice Actors strike revealed just how much wrong-headed opposition there is in the industry in regards to organizing labor.

“Why should Voice Actors get paid more when Game Devs don’t?!?!”
“Maybe Game

It’s like playing the game. No one wins, we all lose.

This particular exploit requires hardware replacement that doesn’t exist yet. There is no ‘secure’. Also, by publicly release information that proves there’s an issue, they put the screws to the developers to actually fix their products.

No, they dye their hair in the interim. Liz’s hair IRL is not pink, for example.

People like you are why Chapelle quit his multi-million dollar contract abruptly.

I have wanted to play Dissidia for years. Like, I don’t mobile game so I don’t buy mobile platforms. So I would stew in resentment as they kept failing to port Dissidia to consoles.

Gonna chip in: I want to like fighting games, but I usually buy them, play the story, and then run away. I *loved* the Soul Calibur series though and played the crap out of it (at least the early versions).

DB FighterZ has the same feel of “Holy cow, I’m learning how to play better!” that I got from SC that I rarely

Actually that was the show stalling for time so the manga could catch up and they’d have more material to animate. The source material was still being written, so the anime would make shit up or extend out scenes to give the author more time to draw/write the thing.