
Compete is a Deadspin subsite. I’m not sure what you’re asking... for them to fire everyone and shut it down so you don’t have to scroll an extra 2 seconds?

Hahaha, you’re so full of it. No one thinks this story is important, because it’s not. Your little cause isn’t. Grow up.

I think she’d know.

If we’re going to go mine the days of competitive gamers gone by, I would think we’d go hit up Thresh to see how he’s doing.

I dunno, Fortnite looks pretty good.

I thought the community had already decided Animal Crossing was new bitch target. I’ve seen tons of upset memes that there wasn’t a Switch announement for AC.

Ugh, so jealous. I can’t get my wife to play games with me very often. We’ll play the same game, sometimes, and assist each other in oblique ways... but actually playing a co-op together? She hates it.

The game can look rad as hell, but if the narrative is an anti-feminist version of “Well from my point of view the Jedi are evil.” I wouldn’t touch it with 100' pole.

“This attitude was reflected on social media as the Deadpool conversation continued.”

I think they’re slow burning the kid. Something’s going on with the girl in the beginning of the first episode, and I think it’s related to him somehow.

... didn’t they Whitewash Kahn?

Oops, you caught it but Kinja won’t let me delete this post.

Today I learned that if someone makes racist jokes on Youtube, and a Media Outlet reports on a famous person being racist, the Media Outlet is ‘villifying’ them.

This comment is vile.

Did you really just tell a game reviewer she shouldn’t review the game, but just talk about it?

“Can you just tell me what the movie is about, instead of giving me your opinion, Mr. Movie Critic?”

“Hitler standing on a pulpit screaming let’s kill all the Jews is not the same as Pewdiepie doing a little goof on Fiverrr,” Klein said. “Context matters. Use your fucking brain, guys.”

Yeah, no, buddy. The problem is that one makes the other easier to happen. You may think you’re being ‘shocking’, but all you’re

“We don’t know how he got an Imperial Droid!”

There seems to be a generation of fans who are staring at this movie, a standalone movie, and wanting there to already be 50 Expanded Universe products about the characters filled with backstory, and a trilogy worth of movies to put in all the scenes they wish were in there.

I read this as him saying if our education institutions were less concerned with football and more about their dedicated purpose of eductating, we might have advanced our science in greater leaps and bounds.

I don’t think he meant to imply flying cars were suddenly practical, or that fun things were not worthwhile.

Lol, no.

Evan, I am so disappointed. No Quasar anywhere in that image.

Good luck!

I’m more amazed that Capcom remembers Mega Man X exists.