
I know you’re being sarcastic, but no, it wasn’t. There were male characters in that game that weren’t window dressing and were relevant to the plot. The leaders of the two main factions of the game were men, your airship crew were men. There was the little dude who supplied your dress sphere tech.

Also, FFX-2 was a

I’m a die-hard FF fan, but the sausage-party character roster is a real turn off for me. I know my wife doesn’t even want to touch the game after the preview was “Four Dudes, guest starring their half naked lady mechanic friend.”

Is the final game better in regards to how it treats its lady characters?

If you watch the fight Anderson has, he blocks the knife thrust with his time travel device hand. After he dispatches the shoulder, it starts to spark and he shakes his hand like he’s trying to get it to stop malfunctioning, and then he warps to be stuck in the ground where you found him. So the implication is that

Why is it that every game that people seem intent on calling the inheritor of the Mega Man franchise comes out of the gaming oven less than fully baked? First Mighty No 9, now ReCore. Seems like a thing.

Life is a big grind for experience that become a useless time sink the day you quit breathing... for good.

Evan, I completely agree.

Jason, admit it. When this tip crossed your desk, you thought about passing it to Nathan or something, just to avoid the hate mail, right?

Write for the job you want, Nathan, not the job you have!

Yeah, I think this is the sound of me being out.

Here’s the thing. You *are* wrong.

I had one that died on my screen, but I guess there was net lag, because it resurrected with his Molten Core and caught me off guard and killed me. I was so angry.

Dude, this complaint is *old*. If you don’t like it, they tag all ‘vidya game’ stories as ‘kotakucore’ and you can browse the site that way, dodging the more ‘community’ style posts.

I’ve beaten three Robot Masters... er.. bosses in MN9 and I’m still not sure how I feel about it. Are the stages less fun than Mega Man, or did I just outgrow Mega Man style platform games? Maybe I need to go try MM8 & MM9, the games I’ve played the least, and see how I feel about them these days.

I will say one thing

Oh my god, the multiplayer trailer looked sick as hell. That grappling hook drop kick, oh my god.

Pretty sure there was only one ‘content’ patch for Warlords. 6.1 was fixes and added the ‘Selfie Camera’. 6.2 was the major content patch.

I’m not one of those guys that diss the Selfie camera, but it was an odd choice to mark a ‘major patch’ number for.

I was kinda sad that the Nick show never got a line of toys. The modular Voltrons was a cool idea.

Here’s the thing. I loved vanilla until the day TBC came out. I ran MC every week. I wasn’t hard core in Vanilla, but I was a dedicated raider than ran a 40 man group. I enjoyed it, I wasn’t burnt out, it was fun. I didn’t burn out on running a guild until Cataclysm, didn’t burn out on running raids until Mists, and

Dude. I quit WoW because it’s old. Not because it’s not old enough. Do *not* pretend to ****ing speak for me.

Oh man, so they’re really going to confuse us now.

The presence of Mai implies that this Future Timeline branches off the current Super Present, which means this is a different Trunks than the old Future Trunks.

Original Future Trunks == Timeline w/ Gohan as mentor

I believe you mean Ali Adler, not Ali Larter, in the quote.