
I think you're attributing the Court's opinion to Kellen. He was just commenting on it, and from the way he stated it I would surmise that he disagrees with their ruling. That's just an assumption on my part, though.

So it's okay for government to tell people what to think as long as you agree with it.

I'll always remember him for finding his face plastered on the wall in hidden areas on Unreal Tournament maps.

Maybe PSO Blue Burst? I think that's why I might've had one.

I think we need an updated Rules of the Internet. "If it exists, it has a fanboy somewhere on the Internet."

That's a pretty big boss monster. I guess you could say....

A review is an opinion that is a combination of the things that a reviewer and the subject bring to the table. Just because you didn't like the reviews of products you ended up liking doesn't make the reviews inherently bad, it just means that you disagreed with the reviewer.

Well guys, we should pack it up. HowIsYourFlat has declared the Wii U an utter disappointment. It's done. Let's call it a day.

I can't wait until Fahey's twins come home from the hospital.

I wonder if they're going for a Final Fantasy concept... where the games aren't connected except by very loose thematic elements.

This... this is a video game that glorifies people who committed murder. I wouldn't touch this if you paid me.

Terrible news. I wouldn't have heard about it right away if not for Kotaku, so thanks for the heads up. :/

I'm guessing from the school uniform that doesn't match Kyon's that this is part of the plot of one of the novels.

I would say that using sarcasm to bring forward an accusation of sensationalist journalism, is the inverse of 'Staying classy'.

It's really hard to have a discussion about this civilly. Honestly. For the people who are gay or bisexual gamers, this is about giving them something to identify with. Give them some representation in media, particularly an interactive one, that they can play with, hold on to. Something that us heterosexual

The problem with this example, IUHoos, is that you automatically assume this is a bad thing, which shows a bit of bias on your part.

Honestly, I think he has a fair point. He went in expecting a religious perspective on his subject matter of expertise, and was disappointed when it turned out to simply be a conservative morality check on games.

Wait, wait wait. Doom is bad, but Final Fantasy is on the approved playing list? Has she never summoned Ifrit before? :)

As opposed to what, Jewish people or Muslims? I think A.) The Holocaust and B.) World wide misrepresentation of their faith by extremists is going to trump whatever offense you think is being played against Christians.

That was.... a really shoddy video review. Is this our review of all three games?