
@Zim: A member of the video game community dismissing the comic community as 'just kids'.

@KingKellogg the Waffle Haggler: The part that you're losing ground on here is that you're expecting faith to the mythological sources when this is a comic book movie.

Here's hoping they keep the character designer's boob fetishes under control this time. My girlfriend LOVED this series, but practically refused to play SC IV because of the way they designed her favorite character. (Ivy)

This game will only be complete with the addition of Dan Hibiki.

@Joel Johnson: I understand where you're coming from, but you're also speaking from a position of somone who is 'video game' savvy.

That guy needs a metal DDR pad, and his peripheral collection will be complete!

@Valefore: I'm sorry that the news doesn't line up with your taste in video games.

@merc-ai: I thought with Eve you could use in game money to buy game cards that you could then sell for real life money, thus being a legitimate method of making money.

#$&#$ Damnit Capcom, WHY ARE YOU TEASING ME SO!

Wow, that was a scathing last line there, Fahey. I like it! Nice review.

...I can't say anything snarky, I met my girlfriend via IRC.

@Daniel: haha, man, they played PC's *one* week, and that was AWESOME.

I much prefer WCG Ultimate gamer.

Whatever happened to the 'Hulu on Xbox' rumors?

@Frankazoid: Hey I'm Christian too. Not all of us fit the same mold! :)

@Frankazoid: See, this is a fundamental disagreement between you and I (which is O.K.)

@Frankazoid: Hey, why lower yourself to insults? If you were aware of the Daily Show, you might be aware that they are holding a rally to restore sanity this weekend, one aimed at reminding people that just because someone disagrees with you, it doesn't mean that they're not someone just like you.

*insert Mega Man death warble*

@Dragoonxlancer: No, I'm not 100% up on the details, but it starts you off on a new character. Hawk, I believe.