Agreed. Although apps like these are not exclusively for the dumb, they are also for the smart and lazy.
Agreed. Although apps like these are not exclusively for the dumb, they are also for the smart and lazy.
So the two girls with that one cup had a really bad case of IBS I guess.
Absolutely, Arab and Asian cultures both. I have flow Emirates, Korean, Cathay, Singapore. All superb service. Flying Qatar in November. I hear that is superb as well.
Did you notice one thing here? Not one, not one of the mentioned are any of the airlines from the far east, (except air koryo, but that does not count). That is because hospitality is a core value for most of the asian cultures and that carries on to their airlines. I travel to India a lot, and have flown, Cathay…
STOP STEALING MY AVATAR! But seriously, I turn 34 in 4 years. Can't wait!
Came to US before my first period, but on my trips back home, if I were on my period I could not enter a temple. Kitchens were fine.
My mom went through the same.
When I was younger, growing up in India, I remember my mom would not enter the kitchen for a few days every few weeks. And we (my brother and I) would ask why she would not enter the kitchen, she would say she is sick, but continued other housework. As I got older, I realized she would not enter the kitchen during…
It was an Indian concept, just like slavery of Africans was an American concept. Both are illegal now thank goodness.
Indian weddings in India? I don't think so. Westernized Indian weddings are no different from the christian weddings.
This seems like a western concept that you expect people to help you pay for your wedding by giving cash. In eastern culture (especially India, to which I belong) parents of the bride and groom assume financial responsibility and guests give what they can and want. But you are certainly not expected to keep…
As a person of minority race, would it be racist of me at this point to assume most white people are racists.
And here I am just wondering if the girl on the bottom right clipboard is wearing any panties....
My dad's 1994 Toyota Camry XLE V6 has 538k on it and it runs like new. Original engine, tranny and all. He keeps up the maintenance on it I think he can push 1 million on it. I don't know about 3 million.
I wonder what this says about the types of people who voted these people in! How come congressional elections bring out the crazies?
Call me crazy but I prefer cheap vodka to dull all the pain...
Another android fanboy here (I do own iPad 4), the only thing android manufacturers cannot one-up Apple in is build quality. Although the HTC one has come very close. The features are all Google who make android.
Explain the recipe, this sounds interesting. I will try it your way.
Have you tried Sparrow? They have a slide to delete option. (Shit, just realized this is an android thread, Sparrow is iOS only)