If you live in Japan, Canada, Australia or many other countries, you can ignore this article. But if America, this knowledge is a must.
If you live in Japan, Canada, Australia or many other countries, you can ignore this article. But if America, this knowledge is a must.
I’ve had that last row where you can’t lean back. It’s torture.
The Trello integration is still a work in progress: long emails won’t connect.
My apartment building in Tokyo sways during earthquakes, which is definitely a strange experience. The wall make noise, too.
I live in a 50 story apartment building. I recently quit my gym, and instead hike from 1 to 50 every day (plus some at home upper body exercise.) The stairs are a much better workout than my gym’s treadmill or elliptical trainer.
Will this be coming to non-G Suite Google Doc users? Its looks like a great tool.
Just ask the person in front of you to recline their seat. Then the person behind you can’t deny you the same.
Thanks for the write up about TickTick. I’m a fan of the developer’s Gtasks and will give TickTick a try. The quest for the perfect todo app continues...
I just switched to Project Fi. I like their data plan: Pay only for the data you actually use (at $10/gigabyte.)
I’m running Android apps on my Chromebook Pixel. What I really needed to make my Chromebook as useable as Windows was Evernote in app form. Now I have it.
I like Darwin Chamber’s sounds, especially his thunderstorm and rain forest tracks. Very relaxing, and very realistic.
I have two Chromebooks: An Asus Flip and a Chromebook Pixel. My 1o” Acus Flip goes with me everywhere. It’s light and the 180 degree flip screen lets me watch movies and leave my tablet behind.
I’m now using Sortd. I like how Sortd lets you quickly convert Gmail into tasks. It’s also got a multiple lists and an Android app that’s excellent. (I haven’t tried the iOS app.) Being able to convert Gmail into tasks is a must for me.
Yes! At the very least, Kindle books should come automatically organized by genre. That would be such a simple thing for Amazon to do. The current Collection Manager is slow and cumbersome.
I’m going to give Google Cloud Print a try, but I’m in the hate printers camp. My wifi printer lives in my closet. To print, I have to walk over, power it on, wait, press print on my PC, then walk back to my printer to add paper. Invariably I need to dismiss and worry about “low ink” messages. Eventually I need to buy…
Memorize is hit or miss. Some of the card sets in Japanese are excellent; others are weak.
Autosync for Google Drive (Android)
I just use Crashplan and backup my Evernote database periodically. I set Crashplan not to delete old versions of my Evernote database, so I can roll back to whatever point in time I might need.
My backup system is almost identical: For all of my important files I backup to two external drives (running on alternate days), backup on Crashplan, and copy my files to one of several cloud services. I agree that it's a pain to maintain, but it's worth the effort. I've had to restore files, only to find that one of…
I want to encrypt my Android tablet and phone, both 2014 models, but I'm still worried that encrypting my devices will slow them down. What does "barely noticeable speed reduction" translate to in practice? Has anyone who's encrypted their Androids regretted doing that because they are slower?