
It's not awful in the grand scheme of things, but my husband's aunt and uncle got us an ice cream maker that was not on our registry and that we will never use but felt too guilty to return/exchange. Oddly, that same aunt gave me the most thoughtful gift basket of assorted kitchen supplies at my bridal shower. Maybe

My husband does the laundry as well. However if I did do his laundry and he even thought about speaking to me like that, I'd burn all of his clothes.

... Did that just happen? because this tiny subsection of people is representative of all Christians? Cuz I've met a ton of Christians and none of them have done this.

This. This has been so important for me to read.

I can't help but notice that comments are closed on her article, too.

Mr. Badmutha and I had a particularly heated conversation in a Dr. office waiting room once. It was small, with good acoustics, so I am pretty sure the other 3 or 4 waiting patients heard every word. However, neither of us choked the other, struck the other, or said we were going to kill the other one at some TBD

It sounds like they want a child to screw, not an actual wife or partner.

This is definitely what Edward and Bella's relationship will look like in a few years.

My reaction told in gifs:

However, we have taken steps to review all posts in the future and insure that they send the message that was intended.

My personal favorite:

Ok, this one actually made me laugh out loud. I vote winner.

Now playing

I got another good abortion joke for you, GOP!

What did the abortionist say to the baby?

"Unfortunately we have to, because this is the generation that we’ve been dealt."

This is almost sad to me, because I can definitely feel a sentiment underneath this of "All those sarcastic jokes about how lame my political affiliation is and all the people who clicked 'like' on them really hurt my feelings, so now I will make a totally way funnier joke about them, and everyone will think it is

I know!

But which one was your favorite? The one Michelle Obama told during her speech at the Democratic National Convention, or the one Joe Biden told during the Vice Presidential debate?

(I'm partial to Mrs. Obama's, but that might be just because she said the word "viability" in that funny accent!)

They're trying to make abortion funny? But don't they know that we godless harlots who are pro-choice already find abortion HILARIOUS? Abortion comedy KILLS at feminazi open mic night (pun intended!).