
The best part was that when my mom came to get me after I got fired (I was 16 — I couldn't drive myself yet!) she wanted to stop by the mall on the way home. There was a fancy new store that sold tapes and CDs (! — hey, this was 1986!) opening up, and they were setting up the store. In a fit of bravado I asked if they

Solution: avoid Virginia at all costs.

Is the distinction really so black and white ? Doctors love to de-mythify stuff to extremes if it doesn't involve taking prescription drugs. For example, I sometime take this digestive pill that promises to "cleanse" my stomach (by elimination you know). And boy does it work. I mean I have never felt lighter or more

The cleanse starts with a herbal laxative tea both morning and evening. If this is not sufficient to clean out the intestinal tract, he advises a salt-water wash. These stops are necessary to remove the toxins loosened by the lemon juice cleanse.

No no no. Tents in the rain suck. Suck powerfully. I've been there.

I'd argue that the noise of rain on the roof only enhances the Coziness Index.

I know "mommy maker" brought last Friday to a dry screeching halt.

Who is she? Who are any of these people? All I got from the video was a big bowl of nothing and something about pugs. Even after reading this I still don't get it as to why any of these "YouTube/Vine People" or "Beauty Guru's" are getting any book deals or fame? Why????

Pictured: Yet another Cam Newton turn over.

This is the first time in recent memory I've been proud of my country. Never worked a day in your life and you're trying to tell working people how to dress? Eat an inbred dick. If I ever met the royal family I would show up wearing nothing but a soiled diaper and an American flag pin. For freedom. (Not really, I'm

Yes. In the books of Ezekiel and Isaiah in the Old Testament. I don't recall any other references about his "fall" but he is mentioned throughout the Old Testament in general in nearly every book. Phew, I knew my Christian upbringing would come in handy some day.

Watching people not understand how the Constitution and legal precedents work fills with me so much glee.

"He can catch his breath in less than two minutes? What is he, some sort of marathon runner?"

I honestly think Warner Bros of all people has the right take on the debate

Then that's great but I still find the article to be quite gross.

I am a "liberal white folk" and I do not think this way. I am actually very appalled by this article and am hoping that it is satire. (Which it probably isn't)

...OR she could choose her friends based on their personalities and not to fill some imaginary quota solely based on skin color.

Are you fucking kidding me with this shit? Is this how liberal white folks think? Gotta catch em all like races are Pokemon?

Yes, looks like an ear pick (and rather scary.) Similar to a cotton swab/q-tip, would it also just push some of the earwax deeper into your ear?

The contrast between the two singers shows us how much difference high-end gear can make. In this case, the Beyta 87 is obviously better than the SMDH-58.