I love how she dips right into a perfect American accent.
I love how she dips right into a perfect American accent.
lots of texture work to do, but so far, its looking great! lets hope this one spans multiple locations so I can go to London!
As you and I both know, TWC has a monopoly in NYC, and in many areas of Manhattan, you can't get any other ISPs. Which makes their upcoming Comcast merger all the more terrifying. With net neutrality up in the air, TWC gets my vote too.
This music is so bad.
As a child, I had a great interest in breakdancing and archery. It was impossible to do both at the same time, so I chose neither out of respect to each. O how I have failed..
Go look up epic in the dictionary.
Absolutely. I am a department chair at a mid-sized state university in the Midwest, and therefore have been involved in faculty searches multiple times. If I were to receive this kind of "counter-offer", while it might not drive me all the way to rescinding the offer, it would definitely give me pause. And it has…
It's not a blanket refusal to negotiate - it IS, though, inferring something about a person based on what multiple things they negotiate for. If it was just a request for an increase in pay without anything else, and they turned around and said "Ohhh, you're not a good fit..." - THAT would be curious. But it's…
You can't really say this is because she's a woman. It's entirely possible the culture is "junior professors don't speak up" - but there's nothing to suggest it's because she's a woman.
I agree with you. As a fledgling academic and someone married to an academic, there were several requests made that would have given a liberal arts college serious pause. Negotiation of starting year and 3 preps being the biggest two that come to mind. Most of the commenters here are unable to make that distinction,…
I didn't say she demanded anything. I said she asked for a raise and four other perks. The perks she asked for could reflect a different kind of expectation for the position than the school had in mind.
Is this how he protects his virginity?
No that's called rape. I'm pretty sure she didn't rape 50.
Having fallen over without reason, Scooter will now be commonly referred to as Building 7.
I had SUCH a terrible experience with a rescue group here in LA. I realized later, they basically take the cutest dogs out of shelters, stick them in filthy boarding conditions and then sell them for $500. They have no idea about the heath or temperament of the dog. The dog we fostered through a rescue DIED because…
Both my boys were born at home yet they are vaccinated on schedule, excluding chicken pox which we delayed 6 months. My reasons for having home births was to prevent a cesarean that I was assured I would have, just because I'm petite. I did have enough 'complications' with my first, that in a hospital, a cesarean…
I don't know any mothers who've gone the home birth route, but I know several who did birthing centers. They just wanted a say in their experience, and not to be put on Pitocin thirty seconds after getting checked in. They all vaccinate.
I know plenty of women who have had homebirths who vaccinate their children on schedule.
Way more often than twice a week. Happiness leads to sex and sex leads to happiness, it's like a loop of smiles and fucking. Only time the pace slows down is when there is a lot of stress for a project or either of us gets depressed.
I lost it at the part about making Pina Coladas with the Lordvessel.