Sounds more like she’s being a sexist.
Sounds more like she’s being a sexist.
Go ahead and turn in your taste card. You’re done.
That and trolling for free publicity, which worked because, well, here we are, dammit.
Hahaha! Yesterday, I totally got locked out of my system at work. It kept saying, “this account is locked and cannot be accessed, blah, blah....access denied.” After trying 4 or 5 times to log in, the realization that I’d just been terminated began to slowing come into focus.
She really, truly is the best.
I’ve never found Skyrim to be tedious. It’s so open that when something starts to feel boring or take too long or whatever, I just go do something else.
Bunch of whiny bitches who can’t qualify, tattle-tale to the cops. Losers.
Ugh. This season is SUCH A FUCKING BORE.
They also tend to hire idiots who can’t get jobs anywhere else.
“I legitimately wonder if Jezebel is the right place for you...”
Hole E. Shit.
There’s no reason to reverse it. Unless you want to look good naked.
Hahaha! I’m so glad you said this. I thought I was going crazy. Yeah! What was that about?
I came here to say the same thing. That just seems super-nasty. And unsafe too (although i could be wrong about that part).
Regardless of your weight, I’m sure you were 1000% more healthy than her. Fat free yogurt and processes microwave meals are not healthy. I bet she was in a such a bad mood all the time because she was starving! I’d be hangry too if all I ate was fat free yogurt and processed microwave gruel.
What’s the point of that comment? You think other comedians don’t have writers?
That’s PhotoShopped to hell. Get your eyes checked.
I’m so excited to start this game. It’s been in my “pre-ordered” cue for weeks! Great write-up.
I sucked a Gamestop Manager’s dick.