

I'll stop touching your hair as soon as you stop touching mine! Just kidding. I'm bald as a bowling ball!

Actually, that's not true. There have been many cases where a trademarked brand has become "generic" to the point that the company loses all claim to the term. A few examples are: Thermos, Escalator, Aspirin. Even the word "app" was originally trademarked by Apple, but deemed by the court to have become generic and

...because she's an angel now. GET IT?!!!

I'm no attorney, but I do understand why Saban needs to nip this in the bud.

Because EVERYTHING is racist. All. The. Time.

The sweatier the better.

The very fact that it got over 5 million views in one day is exactly why they can't let this go. They need to protect their assets; their Power Rangers brand and the intellectual property.

When somebody apologizes in a sincere way, you should let them. Otherwise, you're the dick.

I want both of these women to be my moms.

How does one wear a dress up to one's fingernails? Also, I'm not entirely sure he understands what the word "mate" means.

I'd be interested to see the box office numbers of these so-called "hard to work with" men and how they compare to Mo'Nique's numbers.

What the hell?

So, she's never seen Fashion Police and doesn't get the joke. Cool.

Fuck you, Shira Piven.

Jesus Christ. All of those women are beautiful. The makeup turns them into horrible nightmare creatures. Stop it!

As a guy, I cannot comprehend this utter lack of "game". This actually happens? Jesus, I'm old.

Hell yeah!

So the only good journalism is the kind you agree with? Duly noted.

What did you wear to your prom, Mr. Perfect?