For the love of god please stop trying to make Deadspin the new Gawker.
For the love of god please stop trying to make Deadspin the new Gawker.
Seriously, why the fuck is this on Deadspin?
Adrian Beltre is a national treasure. I hope he never retires.
Yep. He’s a wackjob. But why the fuck is this on Deadspin?? Y’all carrying the torch for Gawker?
I’ll show myself out.
“Who homered?”
Is it a blackout if no one is watching?
This comment is under appreciated.
It’s not Draymond’s fault. He reacted the same way anyone would when asked “Dwaymond, how do you feel you wank upon the competition?”
In Soviet Russia, drugs take team.
“...his genitals came flying out of his shorts while trying to beat five seconds.”
What’s even more amazing to me is the amount of these shots he’s hit with more than 15 seconds remaining on the shot clock.
This comment should have all the stars.
Dale definitely won’t be reporting for work tomorrow.
Lebron was never going to play for any coach resembling a white man.
Makes sense. Peyton Manning hurt his neck saying yes to every endorsement offer.