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    I'm sure his drive is encrypted.

    I want to know what the rest of the comments were to his post. Anyone have a pic of the whole comment stream?

    Probably way more than that, but even at that price, if it was guaranteed not to miss ... it may be worth it for certain targets. What I'm wondering is what the hell fires a 4 inch long bullet?

    I like that site better than one left be another commenter below:

    How about a follow-up for females? I'd like a warm jacket that I can wear into a business meeting (I'm not talking Wall Street here, but business attire) and isn't so bulky I look like a guy. Water-proof, of course. And under $300 please. Oh and it should last at least 3 years. Shopping is a hassle and I don't want to

    Maybe start with Dupolo's (sp?) since they are tiny, mouthy tots.

    For the average person I think the math of safety vs convenience will usually end up the way you have described. It gets a little more tricky for people with any type of celebrity status, if @Curves has a following here on Giz (which she does) and if any of those people are creepy or cracked, then the math leans more

    My law degree comes from Wikipedia, so feel free to poke holes, but:

    These wouldn't have been so bad either if they cropped the photos to just around the kids. If you couldn't see the Mom-head-lump under the sheet you probably wouldn't have thought about it. And I agree, don't post your kids pics in public forums, the internet is a scary place.

    Can't they just publish in a classified journal? There are such things, I mean it's not as glamorous as Nature, but it would still be publishing the results in a peer reviewed journal. And it wouldn't be available to the public at large. But some of the scientific community concerned with such things could still get

    Noted, thanks.

    Agreed, it just means he saw that this bill wasn't going to pass on it's own in this climate, so let's wait out the storm and sneak it through when no-one is looking. I hate politics.

    How does that work though? Pardon me Mr. Observer while I go to my locker and pull out this fake penis to take to the bathroom with us. Might work if you have a warning that you will be drug tested today, but even then it seems like a fake penis would be easy to spot. I've never seen the Wizinator though, maybe it is

    Wish I could still approve, clever sir, thanks for all the fish.

    What, you don't think pregnant 16 year olds are a good idea?

    My company cross-cuts so fine it is like powder and they are looking to upgrade to something finer .... the current cuts are so small they don't even have letters on them, really how small do they need to get?

    It creeps me out that someone allowed Shutterstock onto their c-section. I wonder how much they were paid?

    This sounds like a great baby food maker. Steam and puree in the same appliance, nice. But it does need to clean easy that's a big fail.

    Easy costume, kinda dorky, and can work to a melody if you come in multiples: Blacken one eye with costume paint and wear a t-shirt with the letter P written on it = black-eyed-pea.

    Agreed, please stop posting crap science from this guy, he clearly needs a refresher physics course.