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    So glad that still works. I need my Nate Silver fix.

    What about the chair you pulled out to sit down (did you check under the arm rests)? The door handle or door frame you touched coming in, the phone receiver (buttons)? Wash room faucet handles? Keyboards? Computer/monitor power buttons? Light switch, plugs?

    The instagram web interface doesn't seem to let you save the photos to your computer. webstagram still does. Which is useful when I want to capture my friends' photos to upload them to a service like stickygram for Christmas presents.

    What's the saying? "Ink is cheap"? And electrons are even cheaper. Don't pick a fight with reporters, especially if you are in the wrong.

    The flat, thick plastic, clear outlet covers work the best, the raised ones or fancy boxes just look too enticing, clear ones disappear from view and flat are hard for little fingers to wrench out. Just remove and replace when you need to use the outlet for the vacuum. For outlets always in use or surge protectors,

    So as a Blue Shirt can you tell me why the price matching seems to be at the whim of the manager on duty thing? I went to buy a TV a few years ago at Best Buy and tried to get them to price match one at Circuit City (not online, in-store price). The first Best Buy I went in told me that they couldn't match the

    Anyone have an alternate site for this vid? It's been removed.

    Is this in some way related to digital clocks that you can plug into the wall and they automatically know what time it is?

    Quick, someone edit the Wiki article to say North Korea found it and now they are the undisputed rulers of the world. Oh wait ... never mind.

    The TSA is putting Brian on the no-fly list for his insubordination.

    That would be a nice compromise, but the problem is finding that "middle ground" person for each topic. Usually people that write in a tone to make things understandable, really do not understand the technical topics well enough and thus introduce errors. And those that understand the technical crap can't step out of

    Two reasons: 1) Language is more than communicating text. For the same reasons that text/email communication is easily misunderstood over speaking directly to someone. Speaking to someone (whether using your hands or voice/ears) is simply superior to writing to someone in most instances. 2) Most people can't type

    And from crusades.org: "The expansion of Islam and the Arab empire through the Seljuk Turks in the 11th century caused a note of distress to the clergy of Christianity. The conquest of areas in the Christian Byzantium empire helped to spur anger and resentment against Muslims. With an ever increasing population in the

    I disagree, from the History Channel (the first link in my Google of 'Crusades and power'):

    Aren't religious struggles ALWAYS about power? I can't think of an instance when a 'religious' war was truly about the principle of something. Let me know if you can think of one.

    Why is the 1st always pretty prevalent? Are there more news/blog articles on the 1st of the month? "So it's July 1st and here's what you missed last month ..."?

    Wait, you mean hiding under my desk isn't going to protect me from the incoming nuclear threat?

    Are the star rating referring to the product rating or the rating of the Black Friday deal? Does one star mean you haven't rated it or that it sucks? Could you add the star rating description to your article?

    You can loose your federal clearance level for having some massive secret that could open you up to being blackmailed. So even if you aren't actually blackmailed and you didn't actually give out classified information to some foreign party, the fact that you were conducting yourself in a way that left you wide open to