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    Now everyone post that they are the senders of the flowers. It's Friday, lets freak out Kyle day.

    Yeah, found it the hard way: Settings > General > About > Diagnostics & Usage > Don't Send.

    Doesn't the iphone (or any other phone) changing the screen when unlocked provide a sensory feedback? Sensory feedback doesn't have to be touch sensory feed back correct? Visual (or auditory) sensory feedback counts right?

    I couldn't even find an iphone app that would let me do this. There use to be grand dialer, but apparently it no longer works.

    Yes, and vaccines cause cell phones ... err wait, I mean autism causes cancer, no that's not right either ... ummmm.

    "Spray waffle iron with olive oil or Pam and crack an egg in the center. Using a fork, break the white (but be sure to leave the yolk in tack) so it runs in all of the open space. Allow egg to cook, with the lid of the waffle maker open, until desired doneness. Once egg is cooked, using a large fork and a spatula,

    Must use Jumbo sticks or it is really really hard .... apparently.

    Can we get a time zone on that 12pm? This is the internets yo ... we aren't all in your time zone.

    That thing is going to pinch your fingers ... or other sensitive parts.

    Where do the radioactive compounds come from? According to Wikipedia lead-210 (210Pb) and polonium-210 (210Po) are both in cigarettes (both carcinogenic radioisotopes). But what I want to know is where in the process of making a cigarette are these isotopes introduced?

    Isn't an aborted fetus the only way to get fetal stem cells? I mean if the fetus is miscarried at home they are not brought in to use the stem cells. And if you are planning on keeping the fetus then you wouldn't extract stem cells. I suppose there are a few instances of miscarriage that happen in a doctors office

    How did Neuralstem multiply the fetal stem cells? That seems like a breakthrough.

    This breakthrough is great news, even if the success was only seen in 1 person so far. ALS is a terrible disease, your body slowly stops working, but your mind stays active. Basically you become a prisoner in your own body. It is also scary as hell that anyone and everyone is at risk. It is only thought to be

    Yes, I'm a little confused by that statement too. Monkeys, sure, but injecting humans with HIV in phase II and III ... ummmm. I'd like to see the human research approval form and informed consent form for that.

    If your carbon fiber slinky had the same spring constant then the results would be the same. If the spring constant were bigger (stronger/tighter spring) then the results would be the same (bottom would not fall until the top reached it), but the top would fall faster. On the moon the gravitational force would be

    So would it stand to reason that all miRNA is making some instruction illegible (even if only preforming this action on a few instructions?)? Would ALL food make miRNA? Or just some "bad for you" foods?

    The general rule of thumb is that breast milk will last for 6-12 months in a deep-freezer depending on temperature, how often you open the door, and how much air is in the bottle/bag with the milk. Plus, it won't really rot, just get freezer-burn like your frozen meat products.

    Kinky would be drinking it from the tap, this is just weird.

    Maybe that child is old enough to not need it anymore? And this is just a left over surplus?

    Preemies generally can't drink from a breast, their suck isn't strong enough and the boob is sometimes too big for their mouths, so woman will exclusively pump and feed beast milk from a bottle. Exclusive pumping can lead to expressing way more than your baby needs to consume, thus you end up with a surplus of milk.