Hey Shan, this self promoting spam is probably bad form, but if you want to get some free support for this, contact me from my Microsoft page: [supportservices.microsoft.com]
Hey Shan, this self promoting spam is probably bad form, but if you want to get some free support for this, contact me from my Microsoft page: [supportservices.microsoft.com]
There is so much bad advice on the web about caring for Windows, I was almost afraid to click through to this article when it showed up in my Google Reader list. I'm glad LifeHacker got it right. As a Microsoft MVP, this pretty much the same advice I'd give to any friend or family member.
To be honest, I'd never recommend anything beyond Microsoft Security Essentials. It's the same security that Microsoft sells to giant companies (in the form of Microsoft ForeFront Security), but it's free for home users and small businesses. It updates automatically with Windows Update daily, it's lightweight,…
Yup. The Favorites bar is just a few of a folder, just like the QuickLaunch bar on the Taskbar. The web shortcuts are nothing more than .lnk or .url files within the Favorites folder. You can actually even store other files there, documents, even executables.