
Spencer did nazi that coming....

Of course it’s Tiffany’s box.

here’s something Herr Drumpf can take credit for:

Tell it. I was saying to my husband last night that this is going to take some steely grace on her part. I was thinking about all of the dudes I went to grad school with who are incredibly successful, well-regarded, genius grant-winners, editors and famous-ish scholars, and how not a single one of them was any better

Wearing white for suffragettes!


Hillary Clinton represents us all today. What woman hasn’t had the experience of celebrating  the man who got the promotion/job she was infinitely more qualified for?

Where in Hogwarts is Carmen SanDiego?

It looks like she went back to 2004 and stole that from J.Lo’s closet.

She is.

In terms of style, time & place appropriateness, and sheer gamesmanship:

Melania looks like she is attending the christening of the Death Star

A book I recently read had the opposite - a spectacular line of shady-ass fucking shade - and I almost considered sending it to Kara as an example of greatness, but like all good shade, its power rests in context and I was too lazy to explain the backstory.

“I had to put the book down for a minute while considering whether or not I should send Shade Court links to the author.”

I live to serve. Even the sportsmen.

Thank you for taking the last case. This man of Deadspin needed that clarification  

Michelle Obama has been one of the classiest, the most educated (two ivy league degrees), perhaps the smartest, and yes one of the most beautiful first ladies we have ever had. We will be lucky to get another one like her. People who hate on her are ignorant racists. She is so many things that all of us strive to

She’s treated a lot like how Serena Williams is treated. Williams has been called a man by so many people and so has Michelle. I’m wondering if it is because both women are black, strong and athletic. That racist can’t stand their mix of strength and power so they deny their womanhood.

The constant flood of Michelle Obama comments over the last 8 years really do flummox me.

I just... I’m so glad this got cancelled, but it should never have been done in the first place, because giving platforms to nazis is BAD. Not because paying them is bad, of course paying them is bad, but it should NEVER HAVE BEEN DONE IN THE FIRST PLACE!