
In case anyone out there was confused about how the voting/enfranchisement system was rigged, here it is. Jill Stein filed for a recount. She paid the required fees. And now, suddenly, she is not “aggrieved” enough to demand a recount. Any registered voter should be entitled to demand a recount if they can pay the

Why do I have this sneaking suspicion that the lowest priced ticket isn’t actually going to go down?

“priced lower”

Toilet fee is $4 per flush, sink water fee is $.05 per second. Ice fee for drinks is $.20. Flight attendant talking fee is $5 each.

I’m so tired.

If you have to think about whether or not it was an insult and you’re still not quite sure? SHADE. Shade is subtle. Shade is more subtle than sarcasm. Beating people over the head with insults in no way approaches shade. Fuck people, give Kara a break.

I mean she literally has nothing left to lose while the country is standing to lose everything.

Why not check them? If the results are the same, the right can go back to screaming SHUT UP WE WON to random Starbucks baristas and/or Broadway actors.

I’m in Canada, too. I worry about if abortion ultimately becomes illegal in the USA (officially via SCOTUS, or unofficially due to numerous, ridiculous TRAP laws). I’ve been thinking: is there any barrier at the border to anyone wanting an abortion coming to Canada to have the procedure done? I know we have legal

I think he looks like Hank Hill’s dad, Cotton.

The Movement for Black Lives takes monthly donations-

Mike Pence looks like Dr. Drew’s uptight closeted brother.

I live in Canada and give a major December donation to one of a couple charities I care about. This year, I’m sending it south to Planned PArenthood.

I will say this again: We need to donate to Planned Parenthood. But white women, we also need to pay off some of that karma Samantha Bee was talking about and donate to a cause that doesn’t directly affect us.

I think he looks like a mean, demented astronaut.

Mike Pence looks like you’d find him strangling prostitutes on an episode of Law & Order SVU.

Here’s something you can do to help. The Department of Justice is tallying phone calls regarding those who want the 2016 Vote audited. A shift of just 55,000 Trump votes to Hillary in Pennsylvania,Michigan and Wisconsin is all that is Needed to Win.

Same. And we know that guy is the king of projection. And for the people worried about how the right will perceive Hillary if she does this...have you not been paying attention? That woman could sneeze and they’d call for her death. So let’s not get worried about that.

And we owe it to her to help make this happen.

I posted this down-thread: call your representatives, demand an audit of the vote. Text your zip code to 520.200.2223 and you’ll get a full list of your rep’s names and phone numbers. It takes a minute to make each call. We hired our representatives, and now’s a fine time

If there is ANY chance she could win, then she owes it to the world to try.