
That chorus is...not what I was expecting.

To be fair, I’ve never seen a member of congress do that before. They usually get into a “you’re not going to answer the question?” style pissing match. That can be effective, but it’s also something the person testifying/speaking will have easily prepared for—as they came with the intention of not answering

Can you even imagine if Trump were in his position? That might actually be kind of awesome! Maybe he’d short-circuit and have a stroke?

They’re not even competent at giving non-answers or dancing around an issue! How did they get to where they are?

I’m going to start watching this every night before bed instead of drinking herbal tea. It will have the same soothing effects without making me have to get up to pee an hour later.

In my line of work, people consistently use flattery to try and get somewhere, whether it’s new business, a promotion, or additional funding. Over time, one can easily tell the people that are VERY skilled in their flattery. This guy isn’t, and neither are the endless parade of GOP/ Trump mouthbreathers that have

Waters: “Why didn’t you bother responding to our letter?”

I am a news junkie and I do not read that crap. No news junkies I know, and I know a lot, read that crap. I find your statement hard to believe.

I think the thing that’s different about the Skimm, for better or worse, is that it takes that fluffy tone and applies it to serious news articles. When Cosmo covers, say, rape on campus, it doesn’t use the same tone as it does for the best bikini for the season.

ALL OF THIS! And it’s especially offensive to me as a WOC. Because guess what, you Ivanka clones, my WOC ass and my POC friends and LGBTQ friends and non-rich friends (because like a normal person, 99.99% of my friends aren’t damn rich) don’t have the fucking luxury of “positivity.” Because the political situation is

Oh, I find that positivity bullshit to be its own form of aggression. A former friend of mine labeled anything she didn’t like or any critical opinion she didn’t agree with as “negative.” It was such a maddening, disingenuous copout.

“Aggressive positivity” is also a character trait that makes me want to outright strangle the person.

“For now, the women are using their aggressive positivity to float above the negative press”

It was pretty well known that record company execs told Whitney to sound less “black” and to be blander. They wanted to her capture a mass market i.e. white people. She even talked about them making her rehearse and practice with pageant coaches. They deliberately made her more boring or less blacker so she could get

Her voice did. Not her music.

Whitney Houston was boring as hell before 1992, though. I mean I’m sure she was a blast to hang out with. But her public image?

It was a good show

a useful rule of thumb is that if you’re going to make another show about an entitled white millennial, it’d better be damn good—

I mean...