Young Blasarius

Can't believe this is what excites you enough to justify the $500 device you purchased, really you need a retina display for this bullshit. Tablet & mobile gaming for the most part is a joke, sad little games like this and all the other Angry Birds/Temple Run clones are regurgitated, dumbed down, gimmicky trash.

How many girls do you get to ruffie and date rape? I'm looking for the true NCAA athlete experience. Also is there a mini-game that allows you to get out of DUI's and other criminal offenses because you throw a ball well.

Bingo. Mankind hasn't had an original idea since the first caveman sat on his hand until it was numb and then masturbated.

What is the name of the "actress" in the image above again?

I remember seeing God that night (it was really good liquid). Were you that guy with amazing hair, a crazy ripped six-pack, and sandals who kept bumming smokes off me? Get a pack you bum.

Years ago I watched this movie on a bunch of acid, and this scene in particular was insanely awesome. Peoples faces were melting the rest of the night in this fashion. Has nothing to do with anything but this GIF brought it all back.

Welcome to my life every time I go to MCD's for breakfast, even though my wife always try's to remind me that the cut off is 10:30 and has been so forever.

They have been warned! *sharpens pitchfork & stockpiles accelerant*

I'm guessing the official reviews will be mysteriously late as well on this one.

More Quintin please. There is a serious lack of articles that make use of my fake British accent, for shame. No Oceans.

"I'm proud of those units, I'm proud of every one of those units"

I spend half my day trying to get OFF a fur coat's worth of cat hair.

Operation Wolf clearly promotes torture and gun violence, for shame.*

Doesn't even mention Plaid, lame.

They really will do ANYTHING except address the real conditions and problems that cause a Sandy Hook, Tucson, or an Aurora situation. And this from an administration that let thousands of assault rifles walk across the border. This from a government that is currently engaged in multiple wars. A county that

Reminds me a bit of Shepard Book from FF.

I just think it's silly to force it just to make a bullet point on the back of the box.

The only thing that this survey illustrates is that "Sense" is anything but "Common".

Survey: 75% Of Parents Don't Think For Themselves 100% Of The Time.

And will still feel contrived, forced, and will be a ghost town a week after release. I would rather more SP content myself. Great multiplayer and singleplayer in the same game are a rarity for AAA devs.