Cloud Hiro

you already seen snorlax females.

I do find it interesting its a rebel ascian at this point. one that couldn’t care less about the legacy the higher ups have been trying to bring back. this one just wants to see it all burn with glee.

was the kenshin author thing just a “genuinely unaware it was underage porn” thing  (extremely unlikely but possible?) cause otherwise how the hell is he back to business as usual

well thats honestly the point of the character? except for his fighting and guitar skills he’s ment to be the most generic person.

you make it make sense with the first bit of text. aka “Scooby and Megatron share the same voice actor”

honestly having tried it out at a friends recently with gathering restrictions reduced.. really the game is from the ground up VR, everything in this game not only wouldnt translate well to non-vr but would actively seriously detract from the game if it was somehow shoehorned into a non-vr game.

interestingly this hole thing With Salvanas becoming evil and doing this is actually Greymane’s fault. apparently? according to this one area in the shadowlands beta, Ysera was the last soul to properly pass before the engine of death and thus the shadowlands to break. and the only thing that was related to souls that

honestly? not suprising? they are kids who came into money that have no idea what to do with it so they just throw it around recklessly.

you are right. a gun should have never been pulled.She was clearly in the wrong the moment she made a augment potentially lethal.

doesnt matter. legally she is still in the wrong for escalating the situation to something potentially lethal. if she called the cops without pulling the gun THEN she may have been in the right (though I’d advise against it since cops don’t have the best reputation in these situations). the moment she pulled the gun

you say this as a joke but really its probably the case. mixer was small and slowly growing but it was really the only real rival to twitch. if they started tossing out the trash, mixer could have collected it and their fan base with em.

I just hope this doesnt turn out like the situation with ProJared where it later turned out that they were mostly innocent of all charges except for infidelity during a abusive relationship he was desperate to get away from and his carrier has yet to fully recover. If the accusations are true screw them. but I hate

best final fantasy outside of japan. thing is it wasnt as well received in japan as it was here. for instance to us Kefka was the greatest FF villian, to them he was just annoying. they value different things over there... a good example of this is metroid. the metroid series always did terribly in japan compared to

well in the beginning of the game you choose between 2 of your comrades, one lives and one dies. choosing one gets the crazy mathematician girl as part of the resistance, choosing the other gives you totally is but never directly stated to be Jimi Hendrix

one thing thats probably gonna bother me is that if your ‘upside down’ the bomber type ships wont fire upwards while in space.

I’ll be honest, 3 and 4 really annoyed me because of the social link and high school part of the game. 5 was way better since it toned it down and linked it better to what your actually trying to do rather than, well, high school drama. of the two though, persona 3 was way better than 4.

honestly I prefer both persona 2 over the later games. 5 isnt bad though mainly because they toned down the real world part a bit.

doesnt look like it’ll sit comfortably on its side...which I have no room for otherwise!

nobody is saying he didnt do criminal things. If he did, that DOESNT matter. If a person is begging for their life and you dont stop that makes you the villain no matter what they did. that is cold blooded murder plain and simple.

really? I havent seen it so I ligitimately dont know how much they brought it back. I mean, in those days it was a common gag to put a gun to your head played up for comedy. does that still happen?