if your doing it the proper way its the best way to lock down a person without seriously injuring them barring a headlock. but cops are trained to know when they are doing it wrong and if they are clearly in pain or suffocating to move off.
if your doing it the proper way its the best way to lock down a person without seriously injuring them barring a headlock. but cops are trained to know when they are doing it wrong and if they are clearly in pain or suffocating to move off.
so you know, quite a few of the badges actually took of their gear and are marching with the protestors. including police chiefs.
might be because of the SNES classic. they want to wait to milk as much money out of that as possible or make the people who bought those feel like its worth it.
buy with in game coins you only can get in game. no microtransactions.
wont happen for one reason. Gacht. every time they sugest it Gacht says no. and his likeness is used for Genisis
honestly even though its a MMO I feel 14 should be on the list. it gets insanely good.
honestly even though its a MMO I feel 14 should be on the list. it gets insanely good.
so pandas are just shy about mating habits and dont like people watching. figures!
Not sure cyberpunk will be delayed. after all for one the maker of cyberpunk is more focused on digital sales than physical ones, as they own a online retailer (GoG). plus, its being released in september. and this should be over long before then.
really any game with some kind of copyrighted stuff in it, cars, music, comic book characters. so many get taken out because of this crap.
One way to know is a newly discovered early symptom. people who have had it and recovered have mentioned that they had, long before any symptoms appeared, had a temporary reduced ability to taste things. Salty tastes especially so. if your worried you may have it. take a tiny bit of salt from a shaker and put it on…
unfortunately its a different can of worms there. with a group like this? they definitely can, but domestic you run into first amendment rights. They have the right to say whatever they want as long as they dont do anything about it beyond words and protests. though it doesnt take into account the power words have in…
really in till self driving cars become 100% accurate and required I dont want to have to worry about literal tons of metal raining down all the time.
nerf now: exactly this, in till autopilots are 100% reliable and required to the point that car crashes are non existant, I dont want to be worried about 1.5 tons of metal constantly raining down.
They were justin tv streams. aka the one specifcally for non-gaming stuff. but twitch ended up absorbing justin tv and thus all the non-gaming stuff as well.
as someone who is LGBT (bisexual leaning towards gay aromantic)? loved the heck out of stuff like that. really look up Duckman on comedy for how I feel about it. its just humor. stop getting offended for us!
honestly there was a fair bit of slapstick cartoony moments in 7. I remember those more than the serious ones
Honestly every industry is very diverse. I imagine groups over here trying to make adult cartoons feel just as dead inside when dispite blood and swearing their medium is considered “for kids” still.
The movie is more about how easily facism can corrupt minds if we dont question it and why hating a group just because your told to is stupid than a fun nazi romp.
hay you never know. they may pull a no man sky 2.0 out of these ashes.
first season not so much, vegeta onward it got a lot better. cell saga? it got insanely good and put in continutity they added in books and such that would have well rounded the story. like how they bring up a recording of Dr. Gero’s son that was killed during the red ribbon army assult by goku that android 16 is…