Cloud Hiro

so many things I wanted to see how they’d handle. more mr satan, the ridiculousness of saiyaman (and considering the one guy looked like nappa in that arc...) the fact that the kids fought mr popo in the original so I just HAD to see how they handled THAT with their version of popo... oh well. you never know, they may

does this work for winter masks too? its fine now but canadian winters can get rough.

personally Im fine with it. but I can see why all the complaints....BUT the one complaint I cant get behind is the user agreement for the map creator. pretty much almost the same agreement was in classic WC3 all the way back to its early days (heck I think recently they found it in the game as early as patch 1.12,

remember advent children before crisis and dirge of cerberus was a thing, so isnt like these models havent existed before.

missed a joke. could have called it “as told by Stem reviews”

the fact that they made adam west’s cowl mechanically close and open in the scenes where he takes the mask off or puts it on was hilarious.

this wouldnt have been a complete tribute to Reggie if someone didnt mention mother 3 once.

and there lies the problem. there isnt a infinite amount of money. eventually a ceiling gets reached and it all comes crashing down. so they do more and more scummy things to push that ceiling higher.

Honestly in several cases its ok to love the work of a person but to hate the person behind the work.

its called saving the budget for specific points.

does this include canada? cause were considered a different region as far as netflix is concerned.

there was another one with turn based battles on the DS I think that was pretty good? focused more on in-between stuff not shown in the anime or manga? forgot the name of it. had really good sprite animations...may have been japan only and fan translated if Im remembering correctly?

didnt mythbusters prove it would have been impossible for both to be on the driftwood? anyway good on him

I really liked 15...

well it was originally gonna be made by the .Hack// group at CC2, which is well known for multiple release episodic games. guess when they took it back and remade it from scratch they borrowed the concept.

think of how the .Hack// and Xenosaga games worked and pretty much that.

This is also probably going to be more accurate to the japanese version of the story than what we got over here.

I enjoyed force unleashed 2 though...

As much as I dislike the kennect you cant convince me that sidius having a dance-off isnt the greatest.

I miss planetside 1. really it was so much better than 2