Cloud Hiro

yeah and video games keep trying to shoehorn that force lightning is a darkside ability thus only sith can use it. when yoda as a force ghost in the latest one called down the storm. and there has been several instances of jedi using lightning.

I never worked in a office!...but Im a cook so that’s expected.

9 games? which ones are missing then? assuming the ones not mentioned 10-2 and type zero?

Several companies were considered too big to fail. Blockbuster. Sears, etc etc. shall I go on?

honestly I enjoy it. not a good mario movie, but its a good, VERY creative, slice of the time it was made.

to be fair the shadowlands kinda have been refereed to a lot since WoW classic. When you corpse run your in shadowlands.

looks to me the jewel was designed to be lightly cradled by the trophy and powered by it. really its a plug stand like a phone cradle charger.

not really? funny thing the protestors and such apparently barely made a blip in their numbers. still a lot of people playing and paying.

interesting fact about song of the south, the stories of the animated characters in the movie are actually based on african american stories they themselves made up from back then, so them themselves are not bad. the problem lies is that the most famous record of the stories were collected by a plantation owner and

Read the entire article. basically all someone has to do to access your phone is to put their own screen protector they have in their pocket on it if yours doesnt have one then bam the biometrics are useless and they have VERY easy access.

hows save the world?

honestly your paying the devs not the higher up that caused this problem. the devs are with HK. and when bliz loses money its the devs that suffer not the higher ups. as the higher up would just lighten the devs paychecks to pad out theirs or fire people till all the boycotting doesnt matter to their wallets.

not a fan of fortnite except for the PVE part (and thats debatable) but I do love how crazy intricate they get with these events

it was a rumor, and proven to be untrue by polygon.

eh I dont mind loading times. they are nothing compared to what we had to deal with in the earlier days.

twitch hasnt been strictly video games for a long time now. there has been art streams, asmr, even always on streams that play MST3K and rifftrax all day.

Mei makes more sense because she’s a character actually canonically from where the protests are happening.

actually? this would be a huge blow to them. the confirmed gamer population of china actually is over 4 times (last I checked) the amount of gamers than the rest of the world combined.

FINALLY! wish they started this a while ago and not after nearly 4 year horror show.

usually I dont care about this. since cartoons are not real people thus illegal acts irl shouldnt matter in a drawing or 3d art even though it isnt my thing (I’ll be honest. im a furry. not my thing in general when it comes to art!). but this art is depicting 3d sexual art of real minor (at the time depicted in the