Cloud Hiro



I wouldnt say that. honestly? the game was fantastic and we know how the story ended because of the released unfinished cutscenes. so thats enough. only people to blame are konami.

Honestly it isnt all creepy. after all you gotta balance it out. some are just weird. others silly. my favorite example of this is SCP 1974

not all of the SCPs are creepypastas you know. honestly if it was all horror all the time it would be pretty mundane. its the other more mundane and/or humerus ones that bring out the world better. like SCP-1974 a sentient bathtub and water where the water has the mind of a american male (the tub) and a russian male

thanks for the beta test 6 months in advance for steam users :)

the writers actually mentioned that, early on, they considered ending the series after ash finally wins a league

I think the reffernce to fortnite was more about its PvE mode that was originally the sole focus. (and honestly I like better)

Actually (Besides those idiots) he found out that the ADL are also the group probably pushing the most to hurt youtubers’monitization. the biggest problem people who make videos for youtube are fighting against.

Still probably gonna play it. too bad its delayed for 6 months on pc.

Honestly? the problem with its gender tropes is pretty much just a cultural bias towards it. To be blunt. its a Japanese game. And culturally when it comes to things of gender identity and relationship identity they havent came as far along as we have over here. (not to say we are a perfect in that regard. far from

wait...they actually REMEMBERED ganbare goemon?

to be fair it only works if the user has a full unrelenting will to murder. any hesitation or “not really meaning it” and it doesnt work.

the thing is? this is a japanese game. the thing is they have a much different view on things such as transsexuals or homosexuals. its baked into their culture. Not exactly something a bit of controversy, especially overseas where they have pretty much couldnt care less.

No but recepts and tons of hard impossible to fake evidence does. all the while the ex-wife has been caught in several lies doing everything to manipulate the situation.

seriously? considering all the shit he’s been through he looks good. you go through the defamatory wringer and see how you look.

Actually tons of evidence found by people investigating this on their own (not projared himself) suggests that the now ex-wife was actually the abuser, and was manipulating the situation to put her in a good light while painting jared in a negative light. She has been caught in lies several times. really looking

We dont get a good enough angle to see if the costume is truly accurate!

hear hear. Im bisexual leaning towards gay myself. and frankly Im tired of people getting offended on my behalf. Ive experienced homophobia! this is not it.

Im a aromatic bisexual leaning towards gay myself and I looked at the ‘homophobic’ content and...honestly? I dont see what the big deal is?