Cloud Hiro

Dear god!

life in agro is me to a T. I get decision paralysis so easily.

its such a lovely time in animated building town till the crimson permanent assurance building shows up.

speaking of final fantasy 7, I hope they give the proper story over here rather than what we got. there are a few things left out of the translation or ignored that, quite honestly? changes the story.

Honestly? your missing the forest for the trees. derivative works is how all of the creative industry works. they take influences from others and such then branch off from there. from books to songs to games, 99% of it wouldnt exist without this concept of influence.

nothing. instead of daddy’s serious inner monologues that honestly got way too doom and gloom, the twins are goofy dorks.

personally I like the dialog. they are dorks and I love it.

This is honestly like complaining about Cadance of Hyrule not having as much to it as a main zelda title even though no one was expecting to.

Honestly that game was good, but it had its problems and didnt have the same sort of magic banjo kazooie had. for example n those games collectables came very organically and as long as you kept your eyes open you’d naturally get eveything throughout the levels, like the notes. hundred of them per level but it never

papa roach still exists? wow.

have you ever actually tried it? its actually pretty good. the sea salt really brings out the sweetness. its like having salted watermellon

really wish they’d put this kind of effort into the PvE part of the game.

hay now. there are several good ones out there, several recent. the series is very hit and miss, but games like generations, colors and mania are extremely good.

considering I now know these more from the origonal japanese version than the american power rangers. Its weird reading that as puttys. they are golems to me!

I remember spending so many quarters on ikaruga in the arcade but I beat it.

the internet near unanomously yells “noooooooo”

not suprised really. the last time they let people use their IPs we got the mario bros movie and Captain N

on a related note. this is hilarious to me.

Also keep in mind they probably kept it tame for a nintendo promo. He’s usually swearing like a sailor and turning people into rediculous blood fountains that would make late 80s/early 90s slasher flicks blush.

it was released in PAL regions but never over here.