Cloud Hiro

Honestly height/weight classes and such makes sense. the biggest argument against cis woman in cis man sports by morons is “they just cant compete against males” but really you get ether or of similar size and weight its pretty dang even regardless of gender biological or identity.

“Site Obsessed With Gender”, Says Commenter With “Gender” In Username Who Only Comes To Site To Complain About “Gender”

See you in another 5 years you dumb fucking incel.

Kaido forcibly raised Yamato as his son since day 1 because only men can be shogun. That’s not respect, that’s hard abuse. Read the story instead of your headcanon

Had this not been forced into Yamato because Kaido wanted a son, because only men can be shogun, you might have been right. It’s not something Kaido does out of respect for Yamato identifying as Oden, she was forcibly raised as male, and that’s why Kaido address her as his son

Few points that need consideration:

well things like Sanji is a cultural thing. gotta remember over there while pervertedness will still get you slapped it isnt the sort of thing that will make you get looked at like a monster as it would over here (unless of course you take it WAY too far and get...aggressive with it). There is a reason why even today

Not just Yamato, but Kikunojo is in the females baths. trans rights :D

I’m still sceptical about Yamato not because of what happens in the story itself (I firmly believe that everything shown in the story means Yamato is currently identifying as he/him and that’s how I refer to him as as a result) but because of how Oda functions regarding good looking female presenting characters.

1. Zip2 ($22m), PayPal ($165m), Tesla ($8.5b), SpaceX ($100+b)

Thank you for calling Kotaku out for that Stephen.... I mean it, because initially to me this article just came off as more ideological slander rather than what it actually is and that’s basically IP infringement by a huge company versus a smaller company(being you the indie developer). I will say though thanks to the

well he got his clothes from this new world. probably didnt have any size 25s in stock and looked at him confused

Yeah, but why do something that makes sense and helps level the playing field when you can just be a raging bigot?

Maybe don’t purchase it though, the people re-releasing it are scummy NFT grifters with a history of squatting on trademarks and churning out cut-rate releases using stolen code:

honestly I never seen the problem with this. It shouldnt matter who the VA is as long as the voice matches the character. Why do people have such weird problems with things?

its so nice seeing her be so successful doing things she enjoys. For those who dont know, she’s very sickly irl, iirc immuno compromised to the extreme that she really is unable to leave her own home. so really this is one of the few ways shes able to interact with the world as energetic and outgoing as she is. So

nerf now did a lot of Team fortress 2 genderswapped comics back in the day. the girl dressed as the mage is his gender swapped engineer. the one with dreads his the genderswaped demo. The tentacle is actually the comic’s artist stand in.

is this one of those “you can get all skills eventually” games or “can never get all skills” situations?

honestly fair? I love their work but it is a constant reminder of how terrible the indusry is and you can only wallow in terribleness for so long.