Not fond of Kazooie’s look but otherwise great! doesnt exactly fit her personality.
Not fond of Kazooie’s look but otherwise great! doesnt exactly fit her personality.
I honestly like Weiss’ gunblades the best because they seem like the ones most likely to work and be made in the real world. simplistic sword with a leaver action rifle built in.
honestly considering that you never find any evidence in game about all these horrible things that pop up in the pokedex and the pokedex only stays semi-consistent, I get the impression that most of these entries arnt exactly accurate because they are written down by your player character, which are all pre-teens and…
honestly even with the books cooked it should not have been that close against trump of all people. I mean, seriously in any reasonable sense no amount of cheating should have saved trump in that election.
I like the DQ spin offs (mostly)
I must not understand ascetics but it doesnt look bad to me?
eh I wouldnt say that. honestly some people just play games till exaustion and passing out simpily because they wouldn’t have time otherwise because jobs and obligations. That or just go for marathon sessions. I know Ive passed out playing games I consider my all time favorites.
They are still trying to figure out how to shoehorn Open world towers into his games’ game play. thats why there hasn’t been one.
It recently came out that they actually were gonna release it over here recently. the Translation WAS being worked on, but they changed their mind and canceled it due to ‘controversial’ things in the game.
well honestly this is a less stupid but still stupid reason for a outbreak of this. I mean, religious beliefs is a lot less stupid (but still is) of a reason than out right denying what doctor’s say whos hole job is to know these things. Its like saying to a aeronautics expert face “oh you don’t do anything, its god…
Im not sure he will. or at least willingly retire anyway. He finds so much joy seeing his creative visions come to life.
We all know Bowser is a great family man and the troopas know he’s a great boss!
sorry I’ll just be over here watching the Pick of Destiny again laughing.
well honestly back in the day it was pretty easy to find that corner of the internet. weather you liked it or not.
fair enough. I forget people didnt grow up with internet culture from the weird side of the internet back in the day (Something awful etc. ). honestly? where ever bad taste jokes and memes fly around you’d probably hear it at some point.
Honestly its more common in the parts of the internet where the memes fly freely. I was exposed to the term back in the very late 90s on something awful.
really? you go on the internet and that term was thrown around everywhere when I was in early highschool, especially in the more memey areas of the internet like the something awful forums back in the day everybody was on or, say, newgrounds or 4chan. really any place you go where bad taste jokes are everywhere and…
Well the moment they used that abreviation they should have realized “you know. this could be mistaken for...”