Cloud Hiro

Eh honestly I wouldnt say it was a wiff. more like half and half. for every one person I hear thats extremely vocal about hating the Last Jedi, there is someone who loved it. and Vice versa. its polarizing, not universally hated. personally I loved it.

#LovedLastJedi #DontChangeIt

Two things to note is that in a court, even with a majority republican seating in the supreme court, Trumps own tweets will probably be used against him so hard in declaring a national emergency and prevent it

I wonder if this is a prequel or sequel though. like, what the land was like before the fall. cause I remember them mentioning ventureing too far from the land causes them to become normal mindless bugs or something implying that much.

Ok...related to nintendo but aparently Mother 3 was actually in the works for a western release but due to ‘controversial elements’ in the western release it was canceled. Se peculation on the subject think its most likely due to the Magypsy characters.

whats wrong with 3ds?

Im still looking for a picture I seen during AGDQ that was helarious. basically a edit/redrawing of Dragonball’s log riding mercenary Tao with link there instead dressed as a gerudo.

even in this case Im against the death penalty. after all, we dont know if a afterlife exists so death isnt a punishment just a sease of can only really punish someone while they are alive.

your point being?

eh I wouldt say that. really the majority of streamers that get featured in articles are only in the articles because they did something bad. there are thousands of streamers out there and only less than a dozen have been featured on websites like this in positive or negative ways. so it isnt exactly a good sample

its honestly more like Diablo/Path of Exile wearing Ironman pajamas from playing it.

Really I havent played ether in a long time. last battlefield game I played was bad company 2

gameplay wise it was definitely way better... but you tell that to the people obsessed with cod and battlefield. really its target audience couldn’t care less because the target audience would have been focused on those two.

tony hawk “Im still relevant I SWEAR!”

Yes. yes it is. but you honestly think sales wise it could compete in the eyes of the mindless masses that buy cod and battlefield games every time they come out?

EA didnt choose the release window of 2, Respawn did. in other words they themselves thought titanfall was worthy enough to compete and be picked over CoD and battlefield.

guess respawn thought “HA our game is so good we’ll be able to compete with THESE two!” Not a smart group are they

nah it stands for Bisexual ya memeing ass :P

honestly no with a if and yes with a but on that one. If the kid really wants that kind of pressure in that life and they are the ones that one to push themselves to that level go right ahead. BUT if its the parents pushing for it hell no cause that is just borderline abuse tipping over the edge of the boarder very