Honestly, as someone who fits into the B part of LGBT... the hole babadook gay thing... I dont really see it after watching it? Am I missing something?
Honestly, as someone who fits into the B part of LGBT... the hole babadook gay thing... I dont really see it after watching it? Am I missing something?
So making it a holiday so everybody has fair and equal ability to vote without things getting in the way, thus finally making elections actually fair for people who are unable to do it because of jobs is a power grab for the democarats?
considering a bobby pin weighs realistically about the same weight as a peice of staw. this is literally a straw that broke a camel’s back situation for those who actually enjoy this game.
honestly I enjoyed gym myself. Dodgeball? I couldnt throw for crap (as in I’d aim straight and the ball would go left) but I could dodge like crazy so most games hilariously boiled down to me being alone on one side and a team of 10 guys with multiple balls trying their hardest to hit one guy ducking jumping and…
Yeah but the thing is I want them using their abilities because they are helpful and strong. I just dont want them blowing their entire load on the first 2 shadows that spawn in before the behemoths so to speak. I want them to be able to think “save them for the big things, make sure to conserve mp for when you need…
Quit posting things like this kotaku!!! every time someone remakes a old nintendo game in some way and you announce it, Nintendo rushes in with the C&D slap!
iirc this is the first game since Kingdom hearts 2 that you have party members again.
nah as long as there is a market for physical copies of games console system will go fully digital.
Guess what? in some of the trailers its shown something that happened in the mobile/facebook game is the MOST IMPORTANT PART OF WHATS HAPPENING IN KH3! Im not even kidding! luckily they included a video in 2.8 that goes over the important events of that mobile game but COME ON!
I love how they reconed it later saying “Oh the god child was going to destroy the universes anyway because of reasons, but the turny gave us a idea to spare one out of them in a contest. oh and if the winner isnt pure of heart enough to bring the rest back with the winning wish we’ll do it anyway”
strawberry pie is delicious thank you!
I like that honesty. I mean, usually when you go into JRPG houses you just look around and go “ok no way this many people are living in this one place.” here everything looks lived in.
hope his 5 minutes of smug assholish fame was worth losing all access to what kids that age love and depend on, social media. because he’s gonna be digitally hunted down like a dog. Seems like a slap on a wrist for such a dickish thing, but honestly its hitting where it really hurts for his generation.
you know, back in highschool I a friend of mine made a script that would cause computer on a network to launch to a gay porn website. We thought it was hilarious back then but now I feel it was stupid and immature.
you know I hope they actually show the diffrent type of kahjiit for once.
hay I think I spell pretty well for someone who was diagnosed with dyslexia as a kid.
except they didnt. everything they do right now is essentally safety theatre. its still to this day where 90% of illegal immigrants come from.
you know most of those bad men that trumps wants to get the wall to protect from? well, without the wall a record low amount of them are coming in to the US... oh and the ones that do? use planes. a wall isnt gonna do crap.
well to also be fair this game has made gender differences for the same race before