the thing is more non-human like playable races were often requested, like say, ivalice style moogles or ff9 style rat people, but yoshi-p said that no playable race in this game will ever not be humanoid.
the thing is more non-human like playable races were often requested, like say, ivalice style moogles or ff9 style rat people, but yoshi-p said that no playable race in this game will ever not be humanoid.
there was a single male viera in FXII iirc.
might look like it to a dumb machine though.
and this is why Im glad I am Canadian.
mabie its the drowning in ink(?) part of the add that got it flagged?
Im not white knighting for him. he disgusts me. but she disgusts me too.
I didnt though. it exists. I A) dont want to see it again because I dont like seeing that stuff. and B) think its a EXTREMELY stupid idea to post that kind of stuff here outright. that is the kind of shit that can get you banned. so what. just to please your white knight ego you want me to set the ban hammer on me?…
I said look it up yourself. I dont want to post that kind of stuff here.
Im not though. evidence exists. look it bloody up before judging. Everybody I talked to who seen it agree they are both garbage people, not just him.
again quit white knighting. I never said she deserved it. not once. I just said there was clear abuse on both ends. she broke/tossed things, hit him, and refused to calm down. your just making yourself look like a idiot by assuming things I never said.
that was a edited video. there was more out there where she was creaming her head off and tossing things.and everything.
I never once said she deserves it. In fact I said the opposite. I said I didnt condone this. Im just saying abuse often goes both ways as it clearly was in this situation.
I honestly believe both of them were in the wrong though. Abuse often goes both ways.
heck no I think he should be punished more severely.
Im not defending him. Im just saying both are in the wrong. your warping what Im saying to suit your own agenda.
Im not defending him in the least. both were in the wrong. you should never hit people ever (unless its your job or something like in mma contests).
honestly probably nothing to do with bowsette