Cloud Hiro

this has nothing to do with bowsette and everything to do with luigi’s tendency to cross dress in official settings.

So you know the full picture. the full video shows the wife coming in screaming while he’s trying to calmly calm her down. she continues to escalate by tossing things, hitting him, ripping a monitor out of the wall and tossing it before he snaps and hits her.

So you know, he was a victim as well. if you seen the full video he was calmly trying to calm down his wife while she screamed, tossed things, ripped a monitor out of the wall and tossed it and hit him before he finally snapped and slapped her.

He slapped his wife...after she came in yelling, tossing things at him, ripping a monitor out of the wall and tossing it, hitting him. etc etc. while he tryed to calm her down then ended up snapping and slapping her.

He slapped his wife...after she came in yelling, tossing things at him, ripping a monitor out of the wall and tossing it, hitting him. etc etc. while he tryed to calm her down then ended up snapping and slapping her.

Well, the hole story was she was beating the crap out of him, tossing things, ripping a computer monitor out of the wall while he was trying to de-escalate and calm her down. but that didnt work and he ended up snapping and slaping her. Also evidence of extreme level abuse to the male has surfaced afterwards.

yep. probably.

kinda sorta not really? honestly he doesnt care one bit about the woman or other people at all. goblins killed everybody he ever cared about because adventurers ignored them to the point they multiplied and became a threat. He doesnt care about any other person in the story, only making sure goblins sease to exist and

honestly isnt a inside joke? I mean the lalafel had a mustashe, kinda makes it obvious.

there were several sonic cartoons. Sonic the Hedgehog which was poorly drawn sonic loony tunes which the characters from doctor robotnick’s mean bean machine were based on.

to be fair wasnt that the entire plot of Sonic X?

I literally known a girl for decades irl thats 31 and looks like a 4'8 gradeschooler so I can ‘sort of’ belive it? but in the context of these games probably not. (she absolutely hates it, cant get a beer to save her life and all that)

On a related note I have known a girl all my life that is 31 now and still looks like she’s in grade school at 4'8. she hates it because she only attracts the creeps out there and cant get a beer to save her life. but hay, still can get away with free candy runs on Halloween which she claims is the only good thing

Really? honestly I still play it from time to time and there still seems to be just as many people playing to me.

I’ll just leave this right here

Is it just me or every time you see him he looks doucher and doucher?

just edit the videos with some text talking about what you did and call it a day then.

honestly the hole arguement that NiteOwl was in over his head thus shouldnt be able to hold his own in a fight like he did in the prison scene is a bit flawed. Cause really, if he wasn’t at least that effective even with all his gadgets and money he would have died early in his costumed career very easily. was it a

you havent had to do that in a long time. plus its quicker to get there if you take the shortcut. you head to liminsa, then over to the boat near the archanist guild, your instantly there instead of the long walk.

I heard a rumor that classes will be able to switch roles with the sweeping changes. like DRK being able to become a DPS or SAM a tank.