basically those moves are a childish eevee imitating the abilties of its eeveelutions
basically those moves are a childish eevee imitating the abilties of its eeveelutions
oh they failed to mention that the eevee and pikachu in this game are buffed up versions with moves exclusive to them from what Ive read. plus singnature moves to both of them that depend on friendship values, at max they become 105 power never miss moves.
honestly I only ever see him on kotaku articles so I wouldnt know!
Im still amazed how good he is...wearing a suit that probably obscures some of the screen and sometimes wearing big-ol paws that probably can easily hit the button next to the one your trying to go for. heck with my own two hand I keep accidentally hitting x instead of square due to my manhands. there is talent and…
ok threating to shoot people is unforgivable... but jeasus crist that lockup photo is hilarious to me.
I heard they’ll be gradually adding up to the 1.11 patch but starting with the bace 1.0 game.
well there will be gradually adding stuff. but only up to the naxxramas patch.
they never mentioned anything about diablo 4, they were only hyping up this. so as far as things are concerned now, ‘this’ is the new season.
honestly the negativity is pretty understandable. I mean I seen a video today that pretty aptly discribes the situation.
to be fair. the naga were always pretty evil and only help illidan and the blood elves because it was a means to a end so there was never a chance of that.
konami really is THAT dumb without its former star players under heel isnt it.
Im honestly more amazed that he can kick but with those big fluffy paw gloves. how the heck man? I’d be missing buttons like crazy!
honestly it isnt that they should be pro at a game. its just that a journalist should be at least good or knowledgeable enough at the type of game they are playing to comment on it.
you never heard of final fantasy? I know its a MMO final fantasy but its still final fantasy.
honestly I from what I vagely remember of harry potter, nagini wouldn’t really considered a ‘pet’ but really the closest thing voldimort considers a friend. After all, she willingly does things for him when he’s not around and he was willing to trust her with part of his soul which guaranteed in his mind his…
and then they had to backtrack and say the force isnt midicolorians, they are just things that pop up in people that are force sensitive or the force creates in people that are sensitive in it to let them better use it or that sort of thing.
Morrowind wasnt a exclusive. these mini systems are ment to have games that only appeared on that system.
to be fair he isnt really a villian nowadays. just extremely up his own butt with a superiority complex. he’s more likely to help then hinder unless you piss him off somehow.
it may be a well detailed placeholder then