already powers a few things, like my snes classic for one.
already powers a few things, like my snes classic for one.
honestly its just a standard USB, you can use probably the several dozens you got around the house and plug it into a USB slot on your tv
isnt this called resonance of fate over here? if so I wanted to pick it up but I just forgot about it due to adultings.
is it just me or does he look more and more dushey every year?
its allowing crazy people to access firearms is the real mistake.
its weird. the game felt like the most fun mmo I ever played and it felt like playing ratchet and clank (ps2 era) the mmo. I loved the heck out of it. but.. kept just drifting away and ignoring it.
you know Ive been wondering lately how Ps2 does it pier to pier for online games or something? if so Ive wondered if its still capable of playing games online at all like say the original monster hunter. I cant really check because Ive moved and now my router is on the other side of the apartment from it…
for about a hour or so to see what the fuss was about yes. then refunded it.
not the kind of game I enjoy in the least
Want to know the most sickening terrible thing about this situation?
except you wouldn’t want that now. for the love of god you wouldn’t want that now. If your morbidly curious, look up the guardian code...they turned reboot into a even more terrible code lyoko with live action humans and made fun of fans of the series by having a ‘tribute’ episode of the original where we see the user…
I made that joke last article of this cube and I got barely a blip! I feel robbed!
I never got why oddjob was so short anyway. he wasnt THAT shorter than james in the movie!
This makes me angry. but there is also a stupid part of my brain that cant stop thinking about the tv series Scrubs do to the name of the university. dammit brain focus!
Honestly I miss blockbuster for one reason. game rentals. those are friggen expensive to blow 70-80ish (Im canadian) dollars on something I can blow through in a afternoon.
Well I’d avoid guardian code at all cost. essentally? its code lyoko with highschool teens going into the computer world that ignores everything good about the origonal and actively slaps fans of the original in the face as I state in another reply in this thread to formedras.
out of morbid curiosity I pushed through the guardian code. it gets way worse. There is a epsisode where they, in the real world, find mainframe’s server. go into it...and proceed to slap in the face everybody who loved the original. terrible renditions of the old characters, completely ignoring everything the series…
yes, its a screenshot from (the Real and not terrible remake) ReBoot.