Cloud Hiro

they always screw up these characters. I mean, before pandaria garrosh wasn’t too bad, the “honnor, never forsake it” questline, where he killed someone who mirrored his pandaria self without question because he saw it was without honor is a good highlight with how he could have been, then they just threw him down the

unless of course it was “pure bred” which means its genetic makeup would have been screwed up as much as a central European duke. which causes earlier deaths in smaller breeds too. but it might have just been sick. At any rate sad to see a good doggo go.

you mean the meat boy eske platforming section? eh I found it fine.

we’ve all got so smashed that we woke up finding out we joined a cult at some point in our lives.

oh its pretty good. if you like castlevania style games and rouge likes . its really solid game.

thats kinda the point of the world really. its a world ment to be constantly at war no matter how much peace is pushed. as long as the series exists, there will always be war, so of course people who hope for peace will be beaten down till they are hardened by harsh reality.

honestly considering everything its not surprising she turned out this way. plus you can tell they were planing it from the beginning. go back to WC3 and tell me if her dad’s final words to her didnt practically spell out her entire WoW character arc.

Honestly? I dont care if the candidate is 3 eyed and purple. they can be as white as old vanilla ice too. As long as they can undo the cesspool of crap trump created I dont care who it is.

Its actually part of his deal to avoid getting prison time, apparently. probably more to it than that but.

honestly, while I dont play anymore. I think the stat squish is a poor idea because people love big numbers?

I dont really get whats the stigma against old hardware. so bloody what if its older? that doesnt stop me from playing GBA games and such all the time. hardware shouldnt matter. what you can play on it does.

I honestly dont get why. the 3ds has great games on it. REALLY great games.

we need this blimp all over america.

Im canadian so I dont know how it works, but he’s just a nominee right? doesnt mean he’ll get in.

thank god they decided to fight in the abandoned high rise warehouse district!

I think it did it pretty well. I mean. I knew exactly what was gonna happen to zack, but they made his final stand so fantastic, taking on a entire army only be exhausted and widdled down till finally he couldnt defend himself anymore with only a handful of soldiers left, then crying so hard at the end of zack I knew

crisis core is better, yep!

Part of me wants to say the swastika sold could be a manji, unless its specifically called a swastika on the store page.

It is sweet but SPOILERS! jeez it only aired a couple days ago.

still trying to grab one here in canada.

still trying to grab one here in canada.