Cloud Hiro

my only question was why wasn’t this declared a hate crime long before?

doesnt this technically make every arcade ever illegal? and livestreaming which is built into systems with a literal button on the controller than instantly lets you begin streaming made by the developers?

That pirated game detection... seems like it would prevent game cart sharing to me. or am I reading it wrong.

honestly you go to a gym and you see the body type all the time from the overly obsessively athletic girls there. though its usually coupled with abs so rock hard I feel ashamed of my body as a casual gym goer.

funny thing I saw a video on its copyright protection in a video on various copyright protection. Time has made some of the questions wrong by default.

you know, when games let you choose eye color I always have a gripe that its always the same color for both eyes.

little off topic but I took one look at her picture and thought “Jackie Chan in drag?”

this isn’t a tournament. its a per-turnament qualifier. bit different.

holy heck how is naughty dog THIS GOOD?! that was just ridiculously detailed.

except it was publicly anounced that they tossed everything CC2 made out the window and essentially are starting again from scratch.

eh not so much. its more that there hasnt been anybody making any decent ones. its kinda a self fufilling prophecy when no one even attempts to prove it wrong. last great one was made 8 years ago (with a few expansions) and literally nothing else noteworthy was made since in the genre.

honestly? RTS isnt dying, publishers think RTS is dying so they arnt releasing any games. Starcraft 2 came out 8 years ago and there hasnt been any noteworthy RTS since so of course Starcraft 2 is in a slump. even if its the best game in the world you need other similar games to draw people away than back to it or the

Honestly the problem with BR games is that they are doing all the same bloody thing (except fortnite with its building mechanic) . switch it up a bit. Switch it from guns to magic, go full ratchet and clank with oversized ridiculous futuristic weapons. SOMETHING other than a island filled with normal houses cars and

there is a difference though. really variety is what makes a game type thrive. The reason people are moaning about BR games is because they all do the exact same thing, save fortnite. for a BR mode to be good and stand out they have to do something different with it.

honestly I wish my great uncle, who my middle name is named after, had a person like Rodgers in his life. I hear I take a lot after him, and I would have liked to meet him. but unfortunately the reality of the time got to him and he took his own life.

hay this was the funnest way to play!

What bugs me is how much ace looks like Shanks when he’s older. Luffy looks like Garp a bit in his 60s and that makes sense but why would Ace look like Shanks by the same logic?

honestly he looks more like is grandpa garp to me in the 60 picture.

Honestly its a really fun campy movie with great designs everywhere you look that reminds me of the old adam west series. only things missing are the batlabels everywhere.

has to be said but