honestly I have more fun in the original, non-battle royale part of the game
In all honestly. depends on the game. if its a game where gender doesnt matter I do whatever. but if one is objectively better over the other I go for that one. A example of the later is mass effect. Fem shep’s voice acting is so much better I just have to play her over male shep, even if as fem shep cant date the…
only real complaint is that they go super deep voice for her death metal.
guessing it wasnt the ‘real’ disgusting stuff but drawn instead? still disgusting but I didnt think you could get arrested for it since no real child is harmed. cause honestly I cant see someone getting such a small slap on the wrist for the real stuff.
curious if there is any.. I donno. magic and swords Battle royale games? guns isnt exactly my jam unless they get super goofy like something out of ratchet & clank and such.
even more depression for probably the most depressingly sad animated movie ever made
I dont really see the point of these watches
I dont really see the point of these watches
really you can say the same for most ultimates.. cause as soon as you yell out the words for the ultimate the other team goes
I mean. its a little early. and I seen dump somehow dodge things that should have bit him in the ass before. but
honestly? most high profile attourneys would do this. why? in case things go south and they need a escape or a way to shift the blame
money and infamy, thats the only reason.
My point still stands. there is no real point to owning a one at this point. especially if you have a PC. its just terrible. And forza? nishe titles, not everybody likes racing games. (I personally hate em). and titanfall felt too much like the call of duty formula but with mechs for me. and honestly the only people…
its not cherry picking. its just the top of the list. all he did was scroll down with a screenshot. aparenty cuphead is just below in metacritic scores from what I checked.
its the list of top rated on meta critic ps4 games vs the top rated ones on the one. Cuphead and forza didn’t make it on the list for xbox. and according to sales data. 90% of cuphead sales were pc and not one.
bit subjective there. still prefer the playstation controler over the Xbox one. in fact I use one for PC Gaming.
your not pickng it up till 2025 then
honestly I seen this and thought of bad girl from no more heroes
there are a few. there are vengence missions that pop up around the map. basically, if someone dies, the person that killed them has a chance to pop up in someone else’s game. and both get a reward for taking out the uruk.
I think its other kinds of permanent health issues unrelated to age iirc.