funny thing is I probably would have liked a mobile app for gathering in FFXIV. not in that way though, but being able to gather resources while not playing sounded great till they got rediculous in the advertisement.
funny thing is I probably would have liked a mobile app for gathering in FFXIV. not in that way though, but being able to gather resources while not playing sounded great till they got rediculous in the advertisement.
so a half goku. another goku, and alternate universe female goku. got it.
the quests for the taven of legends sounds like something the game desparately needed more of, along with more other content. the fact that you have to slog it through a lot of stuff just to get to some relatively new content.
Honestly I always kind of assumed mermaids had dolphin-eske anatomy. since they are clearly mammal fish people. otherwise they wouldn’t have breasts.
what they dont get is girls play games just as much as guys. its just more obvious because they have a popular shooter on the phone now. only real problem is that all the advertisement for most games are very male power fantasy eccentric even if the game isnt. Would you strictly call the legend of zelda series for…
Wasnt GT considered canon till it wasn’t? Mabie they consider the Uub ending part of GT, which got thrown out from the get go by making the pilaf game young from a mistaken wish and several other things... Like Trunks girlfriend of the pilaf gang, and the fact that frieza is now alive. and Buu being slim…
No really, I heard they are throwing the hole uub plot out the window.
almost as bad as the autoplaying videos oh this website!
I heard they are putting the ending of Z in the same category of GT, alt history. they dont want to restrict themselves if they ever continue.
wasnt that the entire plot of the lego movie?
as awsome as it is this is far from what I’d want to be associated with a wedding due to obvious reasons!
I always enjoyed mortal kombat. only thing really wrong with it is that its a PG movie doing something that should be R dated. but honestly. at the time, no possible away they could have done a R rated video game movie. but otherwise they did everything they could to make that movie as good as possible without that R…
Ah tamagochi, cant remember if it was it or digimon (back when digimon was just tamagochi but with battles) but I remember having one as a kid and being super into it for one specific parents in their infinite wisdom thought it would be a perfect pet simulator and if I could take care if it well I could…
I said it in the post. “Sweet Home”
oh jeez I havent tackled these kinds of walls in years. I loved it. even did the real thing once too. forget where though but it was close by. dang I need to get myself back in shape. I mean Im not overweight but no way I could do it anymore. got too lazy.
really the only problem with the game is the way it throws the bat tank down your throat. I mean, you want to do other things and game goes “no, you use tank now >:(“
honestly there is really no point to the meeting to begin with. considering the mountain of evidence against guns causing violent behavior. the most daming is “if it causes it, why arnt we seeing it more often with the millions of sales?” and “Other countries get these games and THEY dont have the kind of problems…
bit of a update. post stream press event confirmed its a new one with a working title. not a port.
oh they realize it. they just want to do everything but piss off NRA that bribe them or the hundred of thousand Americans clinging to the 2nd amendment like a bottle of water in the desert that specifically voted for them for keeping their gun rights.
worst part? its cloud based not cart based. so everything is run server side.