“phantasy star online 2" @#$!#$!@#!!!!! why sega must you TAUNT us!
“phantasy star online 2" @#$!#$!@#!!!!! why sega must you TAUNT us!
honestly if you pay attention signs point to a new one. for one Hal Labs appears listed as the main devs. they wouldnt be if it was just a port.
honestly? could have been strategic marketing and smash could have been the pipeline for much longer. Just keeping a lid on it to keep the hype train sales chugging along.
honestly could have been in development long before the switch launch. you know how good nintendo is at keeping a lid on things.
you know it IS possible they have been working on it in secret while the switch was still known as the NX and not announced right? nintendo is very good at keeping things quiet till things are ready. so thats 3-5 potental years of development
looks like a new one really. you seen the siluette of BotW link in the preview for one.
so disapointing really. I REALLY enjoyed destiny one (well, once taken king came out) and loved doing so many thing in it. like those special weapons you could only get for doing long convoluted quests. can be a bit tedious but it was also interesting. felt like you earned something awsome. only real comlaint about…
Eh not really the case with my family recipes... mainly because except rare ocasions its tradional greek deserts like (I forget how its spelt) Corcha and such. and all her recipes were extremely vague with no measuring involved.
honestly, teens are already starting those relationships behind peoples backs around that age. in fact is pretty common for teens to be shamed and bulled about still being virgins in late high school. At least thats what it was like for me back in my high school days so I never brought up the fact I was a virgin out…
funny thing that ‘grind’ was the fun part for me. I just loved building up armies and smashing them against other ones.
If the playstation plus membership expires, games you previously gotten will be locked. BUT you’ll get them all back if you pay for playstation plus again.
‘they had eons of time to destroy the evidence’ you give the trump administration too much credit.
honestly the last one was probably someone having a laugh at every other idiot on the board.
honestly the last one was probably someone having a laugh at every other idiot on the board.
honestly most of the FF series shoehorns references to previous games somehow into them.
ok thats a ridiculously low price for something that illegal. unless it wasnt the ‘real thing’ and just art at which point. while I dont condone it it isn’t real people getting abused so....
Hope Chrono Cross gets some love at some point. bit of a odd game, but fun...and honestly one of video game’s all time best soundtracks
Its a old comic that was released when twich plays pokemon was a thing. for one look at the date, secondly the in comic representation of Bear is still a guy (He has since went into transition to a girl irl)
wasnt chichi training goten herself to be a second goku essentially?