Eh, probably just Chinese made baby formula exposed to an open flame.
Eh, probably just Chinese made baby formula exposed to an open flame.
I like the Eldorado. Well, it is sort of love/hate. I love the Seville STS. It was really good. It carried 4 in a great comfort. I'd say a great double date car (backseat work for non-double dates). The Eldo tried to be a coupe version which made it a little more personal, but I think a lot was lost in the "couping"…
Sam Memmolo? Whoring it up? Never...
Except for all of those times he's pushed shady, scam-y products. Basically if he introduces you to it, don't buy it.
Yeah surprised Torque isn't on top it is way more then gauges. Selling it short is the only reason it wasn't in the top 3.
I too use a cheap OBD2 bluetooth adaptor. Works great.
I came.
A local guy restored a CVCC here. The carb has to be taken of the car and placed into a special to adjust it. He search the world to find one of those devices (most shops probably threw them out long ago). He found one in Australia. There was a Honda dealership that closed long ago before they threw out their…
Flip-up headlights are the amazing. Anything to the contrary is blasphemy. The US had laws limiting headlight styles to what was the best design at one time. They weren't pretty. Flipups hide them and just plain made the whole world a prettier place. The are my generation's tail-fins and I love them.
My 89 Lotus
Here is the newest
Can't deny some of the choices, But no love for Drift 2?
17 million views on the official video.
Perhaps the Whistler Tips videos doesn't penetrate as much in non-english speaking countries?
The sound that thing makes in passing is pretty cool. Thanks for posting that.
Because the other actions do so well. Obviously protesting doesn't seem to get the point across. I think at some point it is the people's right to fight. If they feel that this is the next step to get their point across, then I guess they should do it. We have the benefit of not being in that situation.
This is one of my favorites.
The first Block-esque video to challenge the throne. Drift 2 was amazing; The right setting, the right characters. Rather then just a show off vid, it setup a story. Set in the land of High Plains, it followed a Patrol officer and his attempt to catch two motorcycle maniacs. I'm not saying it was the most viral, but I…
Love the 355, but the maintenance is a true nightmare. Ferrari parts are expensive and the 355 requires engine out servicing, meaning big $$$.
The 360 and the 328 are both cheaper to own cars. Buying price lands on either side of the 355 and both are much less expensive to actually run; It is no fun to have you dream…
Thank you, thank you. There is room for improvement, as I failed to make it all one run-on sentence. But it would have become far too difficult to read.