Thanks for a "man on the ground" reply.
Thanks for a "man on the ground" reply.
Our always smells like tool oil.
I think it is easy for us living in the US where we have pushed cleaning up emissions since the 70's. But Europe was more than 10 years behind us. In the 50's and 60's their cars were still very primitive when compared to cars here in the states as far as safety was concerned. Most 60's US car may be a bit too short…
I've always wanted a dark grey TDI New Beetle 5-speed with some turbo goodies and new injectors on it. The flower in the vase would be fabbed out of a engine parts. The license plate would read "TorqBubl".
Got one but mine isn't annoying yellow with a flag on the top.
You sure that was an 88 and not an 89? I ask because the 88s I've seen have the fuel filler cover release as a cable. My 89 uses and under the wheel switch. My shift also comes out in your hand (haven't figured out a way to keep it on).
^ This!
Was the guy hauling Shovelloads-O-Dirt in the back of that Lada?
I think if more people test drove the Fusion, the Camry would lose some buyers. We have 2 at work and everytime I drive them I'm impressed.
Yeah and got sited for DWI.
I love mine, fun car. Mine is an '89 Turbo which are known as some of the least problematic.
Have one, it hasn't been to bad at all. Parts are a bit more expensive, crap is harder to reach and you often feel like the owner of a kit car. But I've fed and housed an 89 Turbo put 17K miles on it over the past 5 years. Yeah, you have to find a good one be willing to feed its appetite for expensive parts and baby…
Have both, FM4 is more fun. It is fun all the time. But I will admit GT5 is a better sim. The differences are very slim. I like driving in Forza better.
They do say crosshairs in the article, but it a bit buried.
I love it, but it would have a problem with light output. Try looking at an LCD in bright daylight.
None, Here is Streak Eagle . The plane was made to slaughter the Russians time to altitude records and did. In a drag race with the space shuttle astronauts would have seen nothing but afterburners until the air got too thin to feed the engines. For the trials they left jet unpainted, Because Racejet.
Certainly, it would be neat to see how much is in that body and how much the electric help. Certainly city will suffer, the highway MPG should increase.
The performance car thing was obviously a bit of a hook. But performance is in a given area is the Prii's forte.
I care because I saw tons of people sound like ignorant dumbasses when the went around saying "fuel injection sucks", "Those computer controlled cars, you can't work on them" and " I can tune a carb better to run better that fuel injection". Those mentalities held on and made people sound slow. It was false and it…
Haha, I have become the most hated person on Jalopnik. It seems many car people don't actually like interesting cars. They hate the Prii because of some of their owners, not that these car actually do their designed job really well and have changed the market. They aren't planet savers, they are gas savers. And yeah…